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Tag Archives: reasons for mood swings

What Causes Mood Swings

Mood swing is an impulsive change in the mood. In mood swings, one shows extreme emotions from one side of spectrum to another. Mood swing is growing very common in today’s world because our surroundings are changing very rapidly and in a negative way. There is no security of job, life, food or anything which one requires to make life comfortable and smooth. Reasons For Mood Swings Mood swings can be caused due to many reasons, some of which are as follows; in teenagers due to the puberty. Hormonal change results in extremeness in behavior, due some emotional reason, relationship problem, academic performance, financial issue, menopause, or as premenstrual symptom. These are the normal reasons   of the mood swings but there also some mental disorder as dipolar disorder, can taking painkillers boost your mood, depression and anxiety etc.  Mood swings can also results in a reaction of some drug or therapy and this varies from individual to individual. Mood Swing Symptoms Mood swing symptoms are general since one shows extreme drift in the mood, as at one moment, it is at North Pole and then at other it is at the South Pole. There are some situations in which mood swings are common or considered as normal, as when one gets happy or sad news, he shows mood swings from normal to very joyful or sad and depressed one respectively, whereas if he doesn’t show this mood swing, it is an abnormal behavior. Mood swing symptoms are commonly seen in ...

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