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Tag Archives: relief for ecstasy comedown

Ecstasy Comedown Relief

Ecstasy comedown includes the feelings such as depression, boredom and sadness, even if it is considered as a natural antidepressant. Other potential ecstasy comedown effects are dull headaches, tiredness, irritability and sleeping difficulties. Pure ecstasy has less ecstasy comedown effects unless the drug is taken in great quantities. Other common ecstasy comedown effects are hyperthermia, hyponatraemia, cardiac arrest, psychic disorders, high BP, memory loss, sweating, dry mouth and throat and several others. This natural antidepressant will become fatal when people start abusing it or addicted to the drug. Ecstasy Comedown Remedies There are several methods to relieve the symptoms of an ecstasy comedown. Based on the experience of several ecstasy users, St. John’s Wort one of the excellent and effective ecstasy comedown remedies.  According to ecstasy comedown information, St. John’s Wort improves the mood when the user feel depressed after one or two days of having ecstasy. You can also find some herbal mood enhancement pills that can improve your mood after the intake of this natural antidepressant. You can also try out ginseng tea which increases the blood circulation and energy of the body. One of the great ecstasy comedown information is that the user has to eat a well balanced diet the very next day of having this natural antidepressant. Having A Meal After having a well balanced meal, your energy levels will come up because of the increase in the blood sugar level in the body. The headaches caused due to ecstasy comedown can be reduced with ...

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