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Tag Archives: rumors about club drugs

Club Drugs Myths

Club drugs are a common thing among the young people. Most commonly found in the nightclubs or parties or any such places that count as ‘fun’, these drugs have become almost a part of the entire young culture. A lot of it is attributed to the ongoing craze among people for these substances. However, some of it may also be because most of these people do not even possess complete club drugs information. There are many facts that the naïve first timers might not be aware of before they get a taste of these substances. Club Drugs Information The first myth about these natural antidepressants is that they are practically harmless for the body. Most people are convinced that club drugs effects are a bare minimal and hardly cause any sort of harm to body. However, the truth is that even small doses of these drugs can cause substantial damage. Severe cases of brain damage due to continuous use of these club drugs have also been reported. Yet many people continue to be oblivious to these facts. Club Drugs Effects Another rather unknown fact about club drugs effects is their addictive nature. Most of the drug brands famous for their reputation as club drugs are assumed to have no sort of addictive capacity but the truth is that these drugs act like most of the methamphetamines, which include other hard drugs like cocaine and heroin. As such, they have the potential to be just as addictive as those other drugs. ...

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