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Tag Archives: SAD treatment with food

Could My Diet Help My SAD

SAD is the abbreviation of “Seasonal Affective Disorder.” In this disorder, for a specific period of the year, some people feel some type of low seratonin symptoms. The cause of SAD is yet unknown. In UK, SAD affects one in every fifty people. In some areas, it may affect to cause ‘winter blues’ up to one in eight people. ‘Winter blues’ is less severe form of SAD. The habitants of the areas where sunlight shines only for a few hours a day or the sun does not rise for weeks or months are more prone to this condition and vice-versa in sunny areas. SAD usually begins in ages of 20 to 30 and affects more women than men. Though the cause of this disorder is unknown, much of SAD information is available in books and on internet. Preventing Depression For the prevention of depression or any other disease, modification in life style is a necessary thing to be carried out. People with bad or poor eating habits or lack of physical activity are prone to depression or is rose hips dangerous to take as a supplement; Seasonal Affective Disorder. Improving eating habits and involving in somewhat physical activity is beneficial for patients with depression. Bad eating habits can cause fluctuation in the blood sugar levels, which in turn may strengthen the spells of depression. Along with poor eating habits, some people may be allergic to some foods that may add up the SAD symptoms of the disease. Typical SAD Symptoms ...

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