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Tag Archives: seasonal affective disorder exists

Do You Believe That Seasonal Affective Disorder Exists

Seasonal affective disorder or commonly known as SAD is a depression subtype which follows the season. Seasonal affective disorder is a medically recognized type of depressive disorder. According to the seasonal affective disorder information and DSM IV which is the primary diagnostic manual used by clinical psychiatrists to make accurate diagnosis, has identified SAD as one of the of the major subtype depressive disorder. It is found to occur more often in women than compared to men and has a seasonal component and natural relief for premenstrual dysphoric disorder. However for a given individual the seasonal affective disorder symptoms tend to occur at the same time and every year and it resolves about the same time of the year. It also tends to occur for two consecutive years in a row. The signs and symptoms of this disorder can be mild to even severe but there is an effective seasonal affective disorder medication available along with easy availability of natural antidepressant. Seasonal Affective Disorder Information Therefore to answer the question whether SAD exists, seasonal affective disorder is in fact real and it is also a depression subtype. In case you experience a minor depression then a natural antidepressant can prove to be beneficial. You can even differentiate between SAD and a regular depression just by looking at the description of the seasonal affective disorder symptoms and why is depression more common in women than men. However speaking generally, the symptoms of this disorder are quite similar to that of hibernating. ...

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Do You Believe That SAD Exists

Seasonal Affective Disorder is something that has been known to us for a long long time. Earlier it used to be known as the winter blues or winter depression and almost anyone who lived in the far north had SAD information. Seasonal Affective Disorder Symptoms SAD is not depression as such. In SAD symptoms what is ayurvedic medicine can exhibit anything from laziness and sleepiness, to a total inability to do anything and a feeling of dejection and depression. This is not to be confused with depression because SAD is only seasonal. If you look up SAD information you will find out that for many people it is something that repeats year on year. Different people exhibit different levels of SAD symptoms, and depending on how bad their case is different kinds of SAD medication is given to them. Seasonal Affective Disorder Treatments Going in for natural antidepressant supplements may not be the best thing for people with SAD. SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) medication has proved to be very effective as is gingko biloba safe although even now light therapy is considered to be the first line in medical intervention. Many people do not believe that this SAD even exists. They just classify it as laziness or winter blues that is very common in winter months when the amount of sunlight available each day is very low. They believe that the only “cure” for this kind of people is to get them outside in the sun. Actually this is really ...

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