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Tag Archives: seasonal affective disorder treatment

How To Overcome Seasonal Affective Disorder

Are you one of those who believe that a rainy, gray day makes it feel tired and gloomy? Do you feel energized and cheerful in a sunny day? Are you aware about seasonal affective disorder or SAD symptoms? If yes, then there is no need to worry. It is scientifically proven that inadequate exposure to sunlight is related with low levels of serotonin and melatonin, sleep disturbance, weight gain and carbohydrate craving. The medical term for the season-long malaise is SAD (seasonal affective disorder). There are lots of books, magazines and websites that offer useful SAD information including causes, symptoms, medications etc. The Various Treatments for SAD Nowadays, various treatments and SAD medication options are available in the market. Some experts suggest use of psychotherapy, light therapy, medications along with use of herbal and natural depressants and discuss the various depression side effects. In light therapy, which is also known as phototherapy, patient is made to sit a few feet from a specific light therapy box in order to expose patient to bright light. This treatment brings about a change in brain chemicals that are associated with mood. You can get lots of light therapy SAD information over the internet. You can consult your doctor in this regard. This treatment is simple to use. In addition to this, it has few side effects. Even though light therapy is extensively implemented and appears to be effective, it is not clear that how this SAD medication light therapy works. Some experts suggest ...

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