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Tag Archives: seratonin deficiency

Why Is Seratonin Important

Mood swings, depression, anxiety etc. have now become common terms affecting most people. These psychological conditions affect your personal as well as professional relationships. Treatments to cure these conditions are available which include what is huperzine a, herbal as well as natural antidepressant. Natural Antidepressant Information Natural antidepressant such as ecstasy or MDMA provides immediate mood lift and causes induced euphoria. Its ability to rid depression and stimulate a feeling of intimacy towards all makes it an addictive drug. Ecstasy abuse is on a rise with youngsters and adults alike indulging in its abuse, mostly in pubs, parties, clubs etc. Serotonin is an important neurotransmitter in the body which is responsible for emotions, pain sensation, moods, sleep patterns etc. Hence serotonin is a stabilizing ginseng agent of the mind and body. Seratonin effects help us to live a well balanced life wherein all the emotions are properly sorted. When this neurotransmitter is depleted, it causes a negative impact and causes conditions such as depression, anxiety, fear, erratic sleeping pattern, impatience, irritability etc. Such negative seratonin effects cause one to lead a depressed and confused life. The major conditions suffered due to lack of serotonin include: •    Depression •    Insomnia •    Anxiety •    Suicidal tendencies •    Short attention span •    Head aches Why Seratonin And Depression Are Linked Drugs which are natural antidepressant are highly sought after when suffering from serotonin deficiency. Ecstasy/MDMA is one of the most common drugs to be used when suffering from serotonin deficiency, i.e. it is ...

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