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Tag Archives: serotonin impact

What Impact Does Serotonin Have Against Adrenaline

Whereas serotonin effects are considered positive, adrenaline effects are negative. Serotonin being a brain chemical that helps messages move through the nervous system helps regulate appetite, mood and activeness in a similar way that natural antidepressants do the trick. Effects of Serotonin to Adrenaline When explaining the effects of serotonin to adrenaline, it is best we go down the root of serotonin information. To begin with, do I have mood swings, we have Catecholamines which are chemical compounds derived from tyrosine amino acid that acts as a neurotransmitter. Stress is caused by high levels of catecholamine in the blood. Fluctuations of catecholamine are associated with different bodily behaviors, like when one is going on higher grounds. This chemical compound is made up of other compounds like adrenalin, noradrenalin and dopamine which help the body meet emergencies like fatigue, cold and shock. Serotonin Function On the other hand dopamine is a neurotransmitter that transmits information among neurons in the brains reward system. People who consume what they assume to be natural antidepressants like kanna primarily increase the release of dopamine making them feel ‘home away from home.’ This explains why people become sole addiction of cocaine and it’s because dopamine release creates a drug addiction. Here is a brief of how serotonin effects the adrenaline. When one encounters emotional situation like stress, fear and pain it leads to the release of adrenaline and norephinephrien. Since this comes across as a negative effect, individual may seek the use of natural anti-depressants to counteract ...

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