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Tag Archives: serotonin mood

How Does Serotonin Affect Your Mood

When it comes to concerns of the brain, serotonin effects are responsible for all kind of mood swings. Serotonin is a brain chemical that affects the way we are thinking that further controls our moods. It’s good that you’ve come across this page because, you are bound to get why do some women get premenstrual dysphoric disorder that explain why people behave the way they do. When serotonin level drops in the brain, the effect in the body comes as stress, being bored, sickly and you feel the whole world is against you. This is what is termed ‘depression’ and we will see how you can control or even stop this from occurring. Serotonin Levels Since decreasing the serotonin level is what is responsible for mood change, you will want to know some serotonin information and how you can increase or maintain its level to avoid possible mood swings that may lead to deeper depression.  Maintaining serotonin level can be accomplished by having a change in your diet, exposing yourself to bright light, regular exercises and also use of SRRI omega 3 fatty acids supplements natural antidepressant medication if at all the above named home remedies fail to work. How is it that the named home remedies work to relieve from depression? To answer this we will take a short glance at what research has explained on this. Depression Treatment To begin with, exercise is so important not only in curing depression but also in relieving many other ailments known ...

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