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Tag Archives: serotonin syndrome information

Serotonin Syndrome Effects

Serotonin syndrome caused by increased concentration of the chemical serotonin can be life threatening if not treated on time. In most people, this condition is caused by use of antidepressants or serotonergic drugs like SSRIs, MAOIs, Celexa and Tricyclics. Onset of this syndrome could also be due to other substances like cocaine, St. John’s wort, LSD, ecstasy, amphetamines, lithium and L-tryptophan. It is very important to keep your doctor informed about any drug you are currently taking before he prescribes psychiatric or non-psychiatric medications to ensure that serotonin levels in your blood stream is not affected leading to serotonin syndrome long term effects. Serotonin Syndrome Information Certain drugs taken individually or in combination with other medications lead to serotonin syndrome side effects as they affect the neurotransmitter serotonin in our systems. While certain drugs block reuptake, certain others block the nerve receptors. Many times this type of history will lead to reasons for a clinical assessment. Some medications or drug cocktails promote serotonin release while some others slow down serotonin breakdown thereby leading to a build-up. Serotonin Syndrome After Effects Serotonin syndrome after effects is found to be pronounced in patients suffering from vascular disease. In some, the process of serotonin metabolism is naturally slow. Before you take any antidepressant, it is a good idea to read the warning on the label and maybe test for melancholia. Almost all of them warn patients against changing between types of antidepressant drugs as two or more types of drugs in the system ...

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Serotonin Syndrome Treatment

Serotonin syndrome is a common unpleasant drug reaction that can at times be life-threatening. In spite of common use of medications many physicians are not aware of how this Serotonin syndrome works and how to control the serotonin excess.  It is important for the family physicians to be more aware of this syndrome of serotonin. Is Serotonin Syndrome Treatment Important Serotonin syndrome treatment is essential to get over the serotonin syndrome in patients who use medications and are going through depression and low sex drive in women for example. Serotonin syndrome treatment is made easy if the triggering factors are analyzed well. It is observed that Serotonin syndrome arises when certain medications cause chemical serotonin to accumulate in high levels in your body. This can also occur when you tend to increase the dosage of a drug or add another drug to your chart. There are certain diet supplements and drugs that are directly associated with this syndrome of serotonin. Serotonin is basically a chemical that is produced by your body and this is needed for the functioning of brain and nerve cells. However, too much of serotonin causes mild to severe symptoms like shivering, rigidity of muscles and even seizures. Some times if unattended severe serotonin syndrome can turn fatal. Serotonin Syndrome Side Effects Serotonin syndrome side effects can be anything from mild to severe. The excess serotonin can produce a range of symptoms that includes autonomic, cognitive and somatic effects along with treatment for major depression. Some times ...

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Serotonin Syndrome Symptoms

Accumulation of too much serotonin in the body leads to the onset of serotonin syndrome symptoms that could be potentially lethal. Typically, a combination of drugs could cause this condition. Mild syndrome like the symptoms of anger could be caused by individual drug overdose but severe symptoms are usually a result of a cocktail of medications. Serotonin Syndrome Information Acute serotonin syndrome signs could also result from usage of cocaine and other street drugs. Treatment can become complicated especially due to unmanageable serotonin syndrome symptoms withdrawal effects. Intensive treatment at the hospital is required to combat serotonin syndrome symptoms, signs and effects. Unpleasant signs that has to be immediately dealt with include twitching muscles, loss of muscle coordination, restlessness, agitation, goose bumps, shivering, excessive sweating, headache, diarrhea, dilated pupils, confusion, high blood pressure and rapid heart rate. Severe Symptoms Must Be Considered As Medical Emergency If you encounter any of the above serotonin syndrome symptoms, it is necessary to contact your doctor immediately before the condition progresses and worsens. If you neglect the initial symptoms which eventually lead to severe serotonin syndrome signs, you must treat it as a medical emergency. Some of the acute symptoms include irregular heartbeat, seizures, high fever and unconsciousness. Do not stop the medication responsible for your condition on your own as you may not be able to deal with the serotonin symptoms withdrawal effects. Depending on the duration of time the medication stays in the body, serotonin syndrome symptoms, signs remain in the body. ...

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