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Tag Archives: sex life and bipolar disorder

Bipolar Disorder Low Libido

When speaking of bipolar disorders, most people only focus on manic episodes and their effects. Take sex drive for example. Many people going through manic episodes experience a sudden boost in sex drive that can lead up to even sex addiction. However, this is only one end of the spectrum. There is a whole other side to bipolar disorders as well like natural depression treatment. Depression episodes are known to be responsible for bipolar low libido and the connection is pretty clear and simple. Depression causes imbalance in brain chemical activity which is directly responsible for sex drive. As a result of this, bipolar low libido is quite a common problem with many individuals. Bipolar Disorder Effects Either way, bipolar disorders can cause a great amount of problem in couples’ sex lives. When a person suffers from bipolar disorder low libido can raid havoc on personal life as well. The disorder leads to individuals experiencing a lack of attraction and interest in one’s partner and is reminiscent of serotonin syndrome as well. This may also lead to the individual feeling repulsed with his/her partner’s appearance. All these effects of bipolar disorder low libido are extremely stressing on relationships and have been the leading cause for many marriages and relationship to land up at a dead end. Depression Effects on Sex In fact, depression and hypo-sexuality may lead the individual to fall into a quick sand of depression which only gets worse. Even people who indulge in excess of sex during ...

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