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Tag Archives: symptoms of serotonin syndrome

Serotonin Syndrome Symptoms

Accumulation of too much serotonin in the body leads to the onset of serotonin syndrome symptoms that could be potentially lethal. Typically, a combination of drugs could cause this condition. Mild syndrome like the symptoms of anger could be caused by individual drug overdose but severe symptoms are usually a result of a cocktail of medications. Serotonin Syndrome Information Acute serotonin syndrome signs could also result from usage of cocaine and other street drugs. Treatment can become complicated especially due to unmanageable serotonin syndrome symptoms withdrawal effects. Intensive treatment at the hospital is required to combat serotonin syndrome symptoms, signs and effects. Unpleasant signs that has to be immediately dealt with include twitching muscles, loss of muscle coordination, restlessness, agitation, goose bumps, shivering, excessive sweating, headache, diarrhea, dilated pupils, confusion, high blood pressure and rapid heart rate. Severe Symptoms Must Be Considered As Medical Emergency If you encounter any of the above serotonin syndrome symptoms, it is necessary to contact your doctor immediately before the condition progresses and worsens. If you neglect the initial symptoms which eventually lead to severe serotonin syndrome signs, you must treat it as a medical emergency. Some of the acute symptoms include irregular heartbeat, seizures, high fever and unconsciousness. Do not stop the medication responsible for your condition on your own as you may not be able to deal with the serotonin symptoms withdrawal effects. Depending on the duration of time the medication stays in the body, serotonin syndrome symptoms, signs remain in the body. ...

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Serotonin Syndrome

Accumulation of high levels of serotonin chemical in your body leads to what is known as the serotonin syndrome. Drugs that cause this ailment must be stopped or the dosage must be reduced in order to alleviate symptoms. This syndrome is also found to occur due to usage of certain dietary supplements and illicit drugs. Serotonin is one of the useful chemicals in your body that helps regulate functioning of your brain and nerve cells. Serotonin syndrome symptoms can occur if there is excels serotonin. Some of the symptoms include mild diarrhea, depression and diet as well as shivering and severe seizures, fever and muscle rigidity. If serotonin syndrome treatment is not administered on time, this condition could be fatal. Milder serotonin syndrome effects can be combated by stopping the medications responsible for the condition and by taking certain drugs that block this chemical. Serotonin Syndrome Symptoms Symptoms of serotonin syndrome can occur the moment you start taking drugs that do not agree with you or increase the dosage of drugs you are already taking. Prominent symptoms that could severely debilitate you include high blood pressure, rapid heart rate, confusion, restlessness or agitation, headache, diarrhea, profuse sweating, loss of muscle coordination, dilated pupils, goose bumps and shivering. If left untreated for a prolonged period of time, serotonin syndrome symptoms could become life threatening. Some of the acute symptoms you should beware of include irregular heartbeat, seizures, high fever and unconsciousness. It is time to see your doctor for emergency serotonin ...

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