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Tag Archives: teenage depression remedies

What Causes Teenage Depression

Teenage is a very difficult age, both for the teenager as well as for those around. Teenage is the age when children become physically adults, but mentally they are still kids. They are not able to control their hormones, and don’t know how to behave. They want to be treated like grownups but still think like children. Reasons for teenage depression Although this phase is not necessarily a reason for depression, many teenage kids do display depression symptoms for a number of reasons. For instance, depression information says that for girls it is predominantly to do with their appearance. This is the age when girls start becoming conscious about their bodies and the reason why many girls tend to get out of control is just because of their hormones combined with them trying out different things to find out which suits them. It is better for them to go through this phase than not to. Differences between male and female teenage depression Unfortunately many girls also do get into depression during this time. If they feel that they are a little overweight, that in itself is a reason for showing depression symptoms. Then comes peer pressure and if you think that it is nothing, you’re sadly mistaken. This is also the age when many girls suffer through abuse. Most girls who are abused will display the classic depression symptoms that older women display. In fact loss of sleep as part of depression symptoms is a very strong indicator of abuse. ...

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