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Tag Archives: treatment for diabetes and depression

Depression and Diabetes

A link between depression and diabetes has been found out by scientists recently.  Depression and diabetes much like sleep and depression are related in many ways. Diabetic patients have high risk of developing depression.  If you are unable to keep diabetes under control, it can cause symptoms that mimic depression symptoms. Diabetes is a condition that requires proper diet and lifestyle management.  You may get depression from diabetes. Regular diabetes management may cause stress and stress build up overtime, leading to depression. Link Between Depression and Diabetes The link between depression and diabetes may get you into a nasty cycle by blocking good diabetes management and self care. If you feel depressed, you may have reduced energy levels. Hence, you may find regular tasks like testing blood sugar level and doing physical activities too much. This will again affect your blood sugar levels.  Lethargy, extreme mood swings, lack of motivation and indecisiveness are the common depression symptoms that lead you to poor diabetes management, making it difficult to manage blood glucose levels. Depression and diabetes can create other health complications, reducing quality of life and psychological well being. Treating both the conditions is essential to lead a normal life. Diabetes Effects Depression is one of the major diabetes effects. The metabolic effects of diabetes on the brain may contribute to depression. Depression symptoms are common in diabetes patients. Research studies conducted in the areas of depression from diabetes reveal that diabetic patients who have the history of depression are more ...

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