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Tag Archives: tryptophan foods

What Foods Contain Tryptophan

With the many benefits tryptophan has to offer, despite its scarceness in the market, consumers are constantly looking for access to this supplements. Currently only two countries manufacture prescribed tryptophan kava kava; USA and Canada. So basically the over the counter supplements aren’t that easy to come by. But did you know that tryptophan exists in our kitchen even as we read this? That’s right, tryptophan is found in the foods we eat raw or cooked over the fire. Tryptophan is contained in protein rich products; this include protein based vegetables, meat and dairy products. Tryptophan Information Examples of dairy products where the natural antidepressant can be found include milk, yoghurt, cheese, ghee and butter. The right kind of intakes everyday might as well keep the doctor away. Tryptophan is also present in foods prepared with dairy products and does kava kava treat depression. A good example of such is chocolate. Moving on to  other protein based foods, we have meat from animals. This will include beef from cows, pork from pigs or mutton from sheep. Poultry meat from birds, chicken, ducks, geese or turkey also count in as tryptophan supplement. You can vouch for turkey meat to offer you high levels of tryptophan at your thanksgiving table. According tryptophan information, based on nutritional health, released by health experts, part of the tryptophan compound gets broken down to vitamin B in the body. This could mean that vitamin B contains some tryptophan it. If this tryptophan information holds, then intake ...

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