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Tag Archives: unhappiness


Nobody wants to stay unhappy. Each one of us wants a life full of happiness and tranquility but when you are unable to achieve this, unhappiness creeps into your life and starts sucking out joy from it. You can be unhappy because of many reasons. Reasons For Unhappiness Some people are sad because they have financial problems; some are unhappy because they are unable to study in the college they wanted; some feel miserable because of the ongoing problems with their spouse/partner. Moreover, there are scores of other reasons that continue to make people unhappy like or depressed like post-traumatic stress disorder. Unhappiness is an emotion we see and experience all the time. In addition, most people ignore it and do not know much about unhappiness. You should know that by allowing sadness to persist in your life could be quite damaging in the long run. It can result in depression, stress, and anxiety. Controlling Happiness You can easily control being unhappy. You get sad when you cannot achieve what you want. At that point, you start looking at life with a negative view. Negativity attracts sadness- this is an important fact about unhappiness that you should never forget. That is when the real problem starts. You need to realize that negativity is the root cause of the majority of health problems. You need to stay positive all the time. If you could not get what you wanted, start appreciating the little blessings in life like being thankful for having ...

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