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Tag Archives: unipolar depression supplement

Treating Unipolar Depression

Unipolar depression is seen as a very serious mood disorder and if left untreated, a patient can suffer a depressive episode for a period of 4 months or even longer. While a lot of people get to make a full recovery from a certain depressive episode; however, most patients suffer an eventual recurrence. According to research carried out on people who suffer from unipolar depression and what is postpartum psychosis, results have shown that 60 percent of patients who suffered one episode of depression will definitely experience a second episode – according to the results of the research, with every succeeding episode, there is strong chance of experiencing another episode. Treating Unipolar Depression When it comes to treating unipolar depression, most people with this mood disorder find it difficult to find the right type of medication to use; and a lot of patients try using a variety of drugs for a couple of weeks or even months prior to finding the one that treats their condition effectively. However, a lot of the chemically based drugs used by patients are known to cause some side effects such as: •    Insomnia •    Headaches •    Drowsiness •    Gastrointestinal issues •    Nervousness •    Loss of sexual desire A couple of complementary approaches to treating unipolar disorder seem to be quite helpful to patients because the effects of unipolar depression on your body by these treatment approaches offer pleasurable experiences to the senses or boost the patient’s spirits. These complementary treatments for unipolar depression include ...

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