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What to Do Before Using Vinpocetine

Vinpocetine is an artificial compound obtained from Vincamine. Vincamine is extracted from the leaves of Vinca minor and ginseng. In Europe and Japan, Vinpocetine is available as a prescribed drug and in Canada and U.S; it is used as a supplement for diet. It is easily available in the health food stores in Canada and U.S. Vinpocetine Effects Vinpocetine causes blood to increase its circulation in the brain that is why it is helpful in reducing brain impairment. Vinpocetine is also helpful in protecting the brain cells from getting damage. It also increases the blood circulation to the brain that is why it also helps the patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease to be recovered. In North America, people use Vinpocetine as a supplement to sharpen their memory but it is not confirmed yet and also when to avoid huperzine a. Vinpocetine may help in protecting your heart and hearing functions. It is also helpful in increasing your short-term and long-term memory.  It also helps you to improve your night vision ability. If you continue to take 10 mg of Vinpocetine thrice a day, you will get maximum benefits but if you decrease the dose to 2-5 mg twice a day, you will feel changes and the ratio of benefits will be declined. Vinpocetine Information It is highly recommended to ask your doctor about the dosage before using Vinpocetine because the amount of dosage of Vinpocetine depends upon the reason for which you are taking this. If you are taking this ...

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