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Tag Archives: weather effects on mood

How to Use Weather to Boost Your Mood

Why does it matter so much for our mood whether outside the sun is shining or not? Is weather such an important mood booster as scientists claim? Depression seems to be an affliction of the modern times, which makes researchers question why people living today are more affected than those from the past by the condition popularly known as ‘major depression’. One of the answers identified by researchers so far is related to the way we are used to live today as opposed to our predecessors. While our grandfathers and grandmothers were used more to working the fields, spending their entire day outside, we are spending our lives mostly indoors, without seeing the sun or feeling the wind for over 90% of the time spent awake. The mood booster information offered by scientists shows that weather plays an important role on how the brain functions. Since it is the brain that secretes serotonin, the most important natural antidepressant the human body can make, there is no wonder that a tired brain can make us feel depressed. Here are some tips on how to use the mood booster effects of weather to your advantage. Taking daily walks Even if the sun is not shining bright, and the temperature is a bit chilly, you should make a habit from taking a walk every single day. Exposure to natural light helps the body produce more vitamin D, which is a great natural mood booster, and the physical effort you will make is of ...

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