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Tag Archives: weed causing depression

Why Weed Causes Depression

It is said that weed is very useful if it is used when some one is suffering from AIDS, cancer and some times even for managing severe pain but smoking weed is considered injurious to health. Use of weed can have many effects on us but every one has their own perceptions when it comes to how do B12 vitamins work consuming weed. Some believe that it relieves them of the stress and act as natural antidepressant while for others weed seems to just put them more and more into depression and the latter part is more applicable when you take weed .It is better to go through the depression information before one takes some effort in this direction. Depression Causes Why weed causes depression is not an easy answer. Weed can be classified as a tyrosine natural antidepressant has many effects on one’s body and life. When you smoke weed, you feel high and you lose consciousness, you have no control over your actions.  When you smoke weed it affects the central part of your brain. This directly affects your memory and the functioning of the brain, you lose hold of the world, your mind is indirectly affected which ultimately reflects on your life. When you consume weed, you go into a world of your own and you just lose your connection with the real world. Now the depression symptoms start appearing. Depression Symptoms Depression symptoms may not be the same for all. Each person consuming this may show ...

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