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Tag Archives: xtc and social phobia

Effects From XTC With Social Phobia

XTC is known to be the ‘love drug’, the one substance that can make people feel connected and into one another, like never before. However, these effects of XTC are short lived, and not actually real, which means they cannot change one’s life, especially when they are suffering from a serious condition like social phobia. Yes, the inhibitions that accompany this type of anxiety can be alleviated for a short duration, but the effects of XTC comedown can make the social phobia symptoms even more acute. In order to understand why XTC use cannot help a person suffering from social anxiety, one needs to understand how the drug acts on the human brain. Serotonin and XTC Serotonin is a very important neurotransmitter produced by the human brain. Its role in regulating mood is well known, which is why it is informally called the ‘happiness hormone’, although it is not actually a hormone. Its main role is that of a natural antidepressant, that prevents us from feeling depressed or unhappy without apparent reason. There are many factors that can influence the production of serotonin in the brain, such as weather, stress or lack of sleep. Among the drugs that can mess up the production and use of this natural antidepressant, XTC ranks high. XTC use actually leads to a sudden and fast consumption of all the serotonin that exists in the brain at a given moment. When it runs dry, depression occurs, and effects of XTC comedown are usually described as ...

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