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Sleep While On XTC

One of the XTC facts that most users talk about is the inability to fall asleep after all the pleasant effects of the drug are gone. Because the natural antidepressant abused by XTC – which is serotonin – is responsible for regulating sleeping patterns, one of the effects of an XTC comedown is insomnia. This is a very important detail, and it might scare people that try the drug for their very first time. If it feels hard to fall asleep, the following XTC info might be of help. Why Is Your Sleep Affected Knowing how the brain works can shed a little bit of light on why an XTC comedown episode is accompanied by insomnia. The natural antidepressant named serotonin is actually a neurotransmitter, and its role is, besides making us feel good, to regulate sleeping patterns. If you do not have enough serotonin in your system, it is quite difficult to fall asleep. What you need to do is to wait for your brain to start producing serotonin again, but this bit of XTC info may not be very helpful. Actually, what you can do is to help your brain regain its lost serotonin. How To Fall Asleep One of the things that feel incredibly hard after a night spent on XTC is to fall asleep. An XTC comedown is also quite hard to bear, as it is accompanied by intense feelings of depression and anxiety, as well as physical pain. While what could make you feel better ...

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