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Tag Archives: xtc effects on the brain

Can XTC Affect Everyone Differently

Like any other drug, XTC use can affect people differently. There are many factors that influence how effects of XTC are felt by different individuals. Personal characteristics such as health, height, weight, play an important role in how these effects are experienced. These may also influence the effects of XTC comedown, although the coming down will not be eliminated or reduced significantly. How Size Can Affect The Effects Of XTC In People The regular dosage of XTC that is taken by users at rave parties is usually one pill, one pill and a half, or two pills, in rare cases. However, it must be kept in mind that height and weight can play an important role in how the effects of XTC are being experienced. A person that is heavier than average may need a larger dose in order to feel the same effects as his or her friends. XTC use is accompanied by an elevated sensation of being on top of the world, caused by the flood of natural antidepressant determined by the drug. In most cases, it takes about half an hour to start experiencing its effects, but some people may need even one hour in order to start experiencing the well known effects. How Metabolism Influences Effects Of Ecstasy Metabolism is another personal characteristic that influences how XTC use is experienced by different people. Once the drug is swallowed, it takes a while for it to reach bloodstream and then the brain, where the reserve of natural ...

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Psychological Effects Of XTC

Ecstasy, or XTC, as it is also called, is one of the street drugs that are especially used by youngsters during social gatherings, parties, or in clubs. Also called the ‘love drug’, XTC causes the user to feel intense empathy towards others, and social inhibitions are dropped off, as a result. The way XTC use acts on the human behavior is strongly related to the chemistry of the brain. Serotonin, an important neurotransmitter responsible for controlling mood, is made by the human brain on a regular basis. This is also a natural antidepressant and prevents us from feeling down without reason. When someone takes XTC, the available serotonin is taken out and flushed away, causing a temporary intense sensation that everything is alright in the world. However, these effects of XTC are nothing but temporary, and getting back to reality can be a tough trip. Effects of XTC comedown include, along with a wide array of physical symptoms, psychological issues, that will be explained below. Why Do Humans Need Serotonin The natural antidepressant made by the body plays many roles. It regulates body temperature, it regulates mood, and it is also important in the learning process, as it is essential for memory. When XTC use depletes the reserve of serotonin, it takes a while for the human brain to come up with a new one. During that time, the effects of XTC comedown are felt at their peak, and they are not pleasant at all, to say the least. The ...

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