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Tag Archives: xtc effects

XTC And Anxiety Disorders

XTC is best known for its pleasant effects on the human brain, caused by the release of natural antidepressant that happens as the main result of the drug. However, recent XTC facts discovered by scientists and medical researchers show that, in a controlled setting, the popular club drug may bring some pharmacological benefits for people that suffer from anxiety disorders. While this XTC info sounds very promising, there still seems to be a long way until the drug will be delivered to patients in a pharmacological form. The problem of XTC comedown as well as those of dependence and tolerance has not yet been addressed. The Exposure Theory And Some XTC Facts One remedy for patients with anxiety disorders is believed to be exposure. This method of therapy actually consists of exposing the patient to the experience that caused their anxiety in the first place. However, this is not easy at all, and most of these patients do not want to relive something that is so painful to deal with. Here is where the little bit of XTC info discovered by scientists comes into play. Because XTC is known to be able to release a large quantity of natural antidepressant into the brain, its most important effect is that it allows users to get in touch with their emotions, good or bad. This means, or at least this is what the scientists want to prove, that the exposure method of therapy can be done easier with the help of the ...

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XTC Water Soluble

The popular street drug ecstasy, also known as XTC, is administered by users through different methods. Depending on the method of delivery, the effects of the drug can be experienced faster or slower. Some prefer to experience a longer roll, even if they have to wait longer for the drug to reach the brain, while others prefer to get into the mood and feel the high of natural antidepressant coursing through their system sooner than later. XTC info provided by users shows that the powder form can easily be dissolved in water. Some even believe that different methods of delivery can influence the intensity of XTC comedown, but notable differences have yet to be identified. Why Dissolve XTC In A Drink Concerns about soluble drugs have risen recently, because of cases involving date rape drugs. However, XTC facts show that ecstasy is not usually used as a date rape drug; the best known date rape drugs are GHB and Rohypnol, used by predators to spike their victims’ drinks, in order to take advantage of them. Still, it seems that dissolving XTC in a drink is a common practice among users, and this can be explained by the fact that these people want to rush up their metabolism and get the natural antidepressant release kick easier. While it takes about half an hour to feel the effects of this drug, taking it solved in water or another drink can shorten this duration, or at least this is the XTC info offered ...

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XTC Illegal

XTC is considered to be quite a powerful drug by the authorities, which is the main reason why it is illegal. Created as an appetite suppressant back in 1914, according to XTC info provided by medical professionals, it became a recreational drug during the 1970s. The drug had been used without breaking the law until 1985, when it was included in the Controlled Substances Act, and classified as a Schedule I substance. The punishment for possession, delivery and making this drug can go up to life imprisonment and fines that can sum up millions of dollars. These XTC facts should make people aware of the trouble they could get in because of this drug. What Does Schedule I Substance Mean The Controlled Substances Act has five different categories for illegal substances, and XTC falls under the first. The XTC info provided by this legal act clearly says that this is a drug with high potential for abuse, it has no accepted medical use in the US, and there is no accepted safety for administering this drug, even under medical supervision. There are voices that say that this classification is harsh, and that the rush of natural antidepressant is not that harmful, but legally, it is clear that possessing, selling, or manufacturing XTC can get people into a lot of trouble. The Potential For Abuse There are many other drugs that have more potential for abuse than XTC. There are XTC facts that point out that the number of deaths caused ...

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Desired Effects Of XTC

People take drugs, because these substances can make them feel good. This truth is also valid in the case of the popular drug XTC that, through a sudden release of serotonin, the natural antidepressant created by our brain, allows users to feel completely in touch with their emotions. Young adults and even teenagers often use this drug in order to become integrated into a group, and in order to lose their social inhibitions. While XTC use is not a recipe for becoming a socialite, it is clear that there are desired effects of XTC that cause people to start using this drug. Getting In Touch With Human Emotions Ecstasy users always speak about the intense sensations experienced during drug high. It seems that one of the most important aspects of a high on XTC is that the user feels very in touch with their own emotions. Since the natural antidepressant made by the brain allows emotions to run freely, the user starts feeling very empathic, communicative, and friendly with everyone around. While it is true that another name for XTC is the ‘love drug’, ecstasy does not actually improve sex drive. XTC use is more often connected to the array of sensations that are experienced, and it does not necessarily involve sexual desire. However, effects of XTC comedown will appear soon, and all this happiness is bound to go away. Connecting With Others Desired effects of XTC also include the easiness of connecting with other people, friends or strangers. People ...

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XTC Dangers To The Body

Drugs will always be popular with young people and many of them take drugs so as they can feel part of a crowd and a bit more grown up. Despite the best efforts of parents, schools and many professionals pointing out the dangers there can be connected with using; there will still be pressure to try. It will be known that there are problems connected to all drugs but when XTC is referred to as a natural antidepressant and considered to be a party drug, it is easy to see why some of the information is being ignored. It is seen as adults just trying to stop them enjoying themselves. XTC Dangers Info If the teenagers knew the XTC dangers they would certainly think twice about even trying it but at an early age there seems to be a sense of invincibility and the view that nothing can harm them. There are many different things that XTC does that can be harmful and once they have been experienced it is strange to think that they would put themselves through it again. They do however and this is testament to the high that is experienced. To begin with there is a feeling of confidence and affection. This immediately means that there can be a lack of judgement and the user can end up in trouble. If they feel they cannot be harmed they will take risks that would normally be avoided. XTC Effects They will feel energetic and want to dance ...

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