XTC or ecstasy affects the human brain through activity increase of the three neurotransmitter or the cells of the brain’s chemical messengers. These three are namely: norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin. Upon taking these drugs, this causes the neurotransmitter to release from its storage neuron sites that results to the increase of the neurotransmitter activity. XTC is also used as a natural anti depressant. XTC causes higher release of serotonin and the lesser release of dopamine that is compared to methamphetamine, the very active stimulant. Serotonin Serotonin plays an important role in the regulations of sleep, emotion, mood, appetite, pain and other different common behaviors. The excessive serotonin release through XTC facts is more likely due to the elevation of mood effects that the XTC users recently experienced. The large amount of serotonin release can contribute negative effects in behavior that users experience frequently right after taking XTC for few days. XTC info states that it can also cause the brain to turn out to be exhausted due to the large release of serotonin. XTC Effects There are innumerable studies and XTC info has demonstrated through animals that XTC can severely damage serotonin that contains neurons. Few of the different studies are both contains long lasting effects. Therefore, these studies of such damage can naturally occur in humans. However, the measurement of serotonin damage is much difficult more likely in humans. The heavy ecstasy users are more experiencing long term depression, confusion and selective impairment of the processes of attention and ...
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XTC Addiction
XTC is one of the various street names of the popular club drug MDMA. It is a psychoactive and synthetic drug that possesses hallucinogenic and stimulant properties. This drug involves the chemical variations of methamphetamine and amphetamine. Beside that it also contains a hallucinogen. A large number of young people are now suffering from XTC addiction. The use of this drug has increased in the recent years and most of the users do not have proper XTC addiction information. This drug is taken mainly for a pleasurable feeling but it can cause damage to the brain in the long term. There are other XTC addiction effects that include different physical issues. Addiction of the drug can lead to hangover and problems such as fatigue, nausea, sweating, muscle problems, vision problems and many other problems. The different side effects of the drug make XTC dangerous and so natural antidepressant is a better option. XTC Use Usually XTC is taken in the form of pills and capsules and it is taken orally. You can also find the drug as powder. In some cases they are also smoked and snorted. However, it is injected rarely. The XTC addiction effects last for about five to six hours after the drug is taken. According to XTC addiction information, people who use this drug have reported that it produces positive feelings and extreme relaxation. It is said that it results in elimination of stress and anxiety which makes the drug a better option for many over ...
Read More »Long Term Effects of XTC
XTC is a drug that was made intentionally as an appetite suppressant. But now, it is used for the purpose of getting high as well as a natural antidepressant. Currently, it is used by students and teenagers to increase their level of energy while they are dancing and having party all night. There are also situations that they are used as a natural antidepressant in order to get relaxed and alleviate all the inhibitions. According to some users, the effects of XTC to them are to allow them to open their hearts to people, make them feel close and be in a certain moment. Because after some hours they are back to their normal life, most users think there are no long-term effects of XTC. Well, such feeling is not true because most of the users take XTC in a regular basis and by doing this they are also putting their health and body condition at risk resulting to long lasting effects. The short effects that always manifest to XTC users are dehydration, too much sweating, nausea, poor balance and throat dryness. Because user feels down for several days after XTC comedown, it create cycle where in the user desires to get high once more and take the XTC again. With these, excessive usage of XTC happens resulting to long term side effects. Long Term Side Effects of XTC Comedown The Usual Effects of XTC • Kidney failure • Heart failure • Hyperthermia • Hypertension • Dehydration • Brain damage ...
Read More »XTC Side Effects
XTC is identified as Schedule I artificial, psychoactive medicine that has hallucinogenic and stimulant properties. It contains numerous chemicals of stimulant methamphetamine or amphetamine and hallucinogen, wherein most of the time mescaline is present. In the year 1912, the drug was used as the appetite suppressant. During the year 1960s, the drug becomes MDA analogue. It was in the late 1970s when the drug was utilized to aid psychotherapy through the small teams of therapist in US. But, the drugs were not popular during that time until 1980s and 1990s. Most of the time, XTC is use in mixture with the other kinds of medicine. But, it is suggested not to drink alcohol while taking XTC because it lessens the effect of it. Now, the medicine is frequently distributed in night clubs, party events and rock concerts. The number of XTC takers is extensively growing over the years. This drug is observed not to be addictive compared to cocaine and heroin, and normally is considered as a natural antidepressant, still the XTC use manifest different kinds of side effects to person using it. Some of the so called adverse side effects of XTC are blurred vision, hallucinations, unintentional teeth clenching, sweating, chilling, nausea, tremors, increases the body temperature and muscles cramping. There are also reports that the XTC shows after effects like depression, paranoia and anxiety. The side effects of XTC are categorized in two, the short term side effects and the long term side effects. Differentiating the two is ...
Read More »Can XTC Affect Everyone Differently
Like any other drug, XTC use can affect people differently. There are many factors that influence how effects of XTC are felt by different individuals. Personal characteristics such as health, height, weight, play an important role in how these effects are experienced. These may also influence the effects of XTC comedown, although the coming down will not be eliminated or reduced significantly. How Size Can Affect The Effects Of XTC In People The regular dosage of XTC that is taken by users at rave parties is usually one pill, one pill and a half, or two pills, in rare cases. However, it must be kept in mind that height and weight can play an important role in how the effects of XTC are being experienced. A person that is heavier than average may need a larger dose in order to feel the same effects as his or her friends. XTC use is accompanied by an elevated sensation of being on top of the world, caused by the flood of natural antidepressant determined by the drug. In most cases, it takes about half an hour to start experiencing its effects, but some people may need even one hour in order to start experiencing the well known effects. How Metabolism Influences Effects Of Ecstasy Metabolism is another personal characteristic that influences how XTC use is experienced by different people. Once the drug is swallowed, it takes a while for it to reach bloodstream and then the brain, where the reserve of natural ...
Read More »Sleep While On XTC
One of the XTC facts that most users talk about is the inability to fall asleep after all the pleasant effects of the drug are gone. Because the natural antidepressant abused by XTC – which is serotonin – is responsible for regulating sleeping patterns, one of the effects of an XTC comedown is insomnia. This is a very important detail, and it might scare people that try the drug for their very first time. If it feels hard to fall asleep, the following XTC info might be of help. Why Is Your Sleep Affected Knowing how the brain works can shed a little bit of light on why an XTC comedown episode is accompanied by insomnia. The natural antidepressant named serotonin is actually a neurotransmitter, and its role is, besides making us feel good, to regulate sleeping patterns. If you do not have enough serotonin in your system, it is quite difficult to fall asleep. What you need to do is to wait for your brain to start producing serotonin again, but this bit of XTC info may not be very helpful. Actually, what you can do is to help your brain regain its lost serotonin. How To Fall Asleep One of the things that feel incredibly hard after a night spent on XTC is to fall asleep. An XTC comedown is also quite hard to bear, as it is accompanied by intense feelings of depression and anxiety, as well as physical pain. While what could make you feel better ...
Read More »XTC
XTC is another name for the well known drug ecstasy, used at rave parties by the younger clientele. Because it uses the reserve of natural antidepressant made by the human brain, XTC is harder to abuse, since it cannot use more than the quantity of serotonin that already exist. XTC use is often talked about as being able to cause brain neurotoxicity, but not enough studies have been conducted so far in order to establish if effects of XTC on the human brain are permanent. There are many things to learn about this drug, including the effects of XTC comedown. What is XTC The most important thing you need to know about XTC use is that it is a synthetic drug, used mostly by young people, including teenagers. Immediate effects of XTC are very pleasant, but this is not all that there is about this drug. After the high, comes the coming down, and the effects of XTC comedown are always hard to deal with. What Does XTC Use Do To The Brain The human brain works with the help of neurotransmitters, and one of them is serotonin. Its role is very important, because it regulates mood and helps people feel happy. Because of these qualities, it acts as a natural antidepressant on the brain. What XTC use does is to take all the existing serotonin and consume it, causing an intense sensation of happiness and well being. However, when the effects of XTC wear off, the comedown occurs, and ...
Read More »Desired Effects Of XTC
People take drugs, because these substances can make them feel good. This truth is also valid in the case of the popular drug XTC that, through a sudden release of serotonin, the natural antidepressant created by our brain, allows users to feel completely in touch with their emotions. Young adults and even teenagers often use this drug in order to become integrated into a group, and in order to lose their social inhibitions. While XTC use is not a recipe for becoming a socialite, it is clear that there are desired effects of XTC that cause people to start using this drug. Getting In Touch With Human Emotions Ecstasy users always speak about the intense sensations experienced during drug high. It seems that one of the most important aspects of a high on XTC is that the user feels very in touch with their own emotions. Since the natural antidepressant made by the brain allows emotions to run freely, the user starts feeling very empathic, communicative, and friendly with everyone around. While it is true that another name for XTC is the ‘love drug’, ecstasy does not actually improve sex drive. XTC use is more often connected to the array of sensations that are experienced, and it does not necessarily involve sexual desire. However, effects of XTC comedown will appear soon, and all this happiness is bound to go away. Connecting With Others Desired effects of XTC also include the easiness of connecting with other people, friends or strangers. People ...
Read More »XTC Dangers To The Body
Drugs will always be popular with young people and many of them take drugs so as they can feel part of a crowd and a bit more grown up. Despite the best efforts of parents, schools and many professionals pointing out the dangers there can be connected with using; there will still be pressure to try. It will be known that there are problems connected to all drugs but when XTC is referred to as a natural antidepressant and considered to be a party drug, it is easy to see why some of the information is being ignored. It is seen as adults just trying to stop them enjoying themselves. XTC Dangers Info If the teenagers knew the XTC dangers they would certainly think twice about even trying it but at an early age there seems to be a sense of invincibility and the view that nothing can harm them. There are many different things that XTC does that can be harmful and once they have been experienced it is strange to think that they would put themselves through it again. They do however and this is testament to the high that is experienced. To begin with there is a feeling of confidence and affection. This immediately means that there can be a lack of judgement and the user can end up in trouble. If they feel they cannot be harmed they will take risks that would normally be avoided. XTC Effects They will feel energetic and want to dance ...
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