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Tag Archives: xtc use signs

Was What We Took XTC

XTC or ecstasy affects the human brain through activity increase of the three neurotransmitter or the cells of the brain’s chemical messengers. These three are namely: norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin. Upon taking these drugs, this causes the neurotransmitter to release from its storage neuron sites that results to the increase of the neurotransmitter activity. XTC is also used as a natural anti depressant. XTC causes higher release of serotonin and the lesser release of dopamine that is compared to methamphetamine, the very active stimulant. Serotonin Serotonin plays an important role in the regulations of sleep, emotion, mood, appetite, pain and other different common behaviors. The excessive serotonin release through XTC facts is more likely due to the elevation of mood effects that the XTC users recently experienced. The large amount of serotonin release can contribute negative effects in behavior that users experience frequently right after taking XTC for few days. XTC info states that it can also cause the brain to turn out to be exhausted due to the large release of serotonin. XTC Effects There are innumerable studies and XTC info has demonstrated through animals that XTC can severely damage serotonin that contains neurons. Few of the different studies are both contains long lasting effects. Therefore, these studies of such damage can naturally occur in humans. However, the measurement of serotonin damage is much difficult more likely in humans. The heavy ecstasy users are more experiencing long term depression, confusion and selective impairment of the processes of attention and ...

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How Can I Tell If My Child Is Using XTC

The rise in popularity of the street drug XTC is also accompanied by a decrease in the age of those doing the drug. The XTC facts provided by recent statistics show that teenagers as young as 12 years of age have gone through an XTC experience at least once in their life. This is a major reason of concern for parents, as they need to learn how to recognize the signs of abuse in their sons and daughters. According to the XTC info offered by medical care professionals, there are signs that can tell whether a teenager is doing this drug or not. XTC Stands For Ecstasy Ecstasy is a term that describes an intense sensation of euphoria and happiness. Because the drug is able of releasing a large quantity of natural antidepressant in one single burst, users of XTC behave like they have no worries in the world and they seem to be happy for no apparent reason. While there is little XTC info on how exactly a person under the influence behaves, there are behavioral patterns that can be recognized. If you think that your child behaves like he or she is in a heightened state of euphoria with no reason to do so, especially if they do not usually behave this way, it may be the drug. Depression Is Also A Sign Of Drug Abuse The above symptoms manifest only during a high, and the XTC comedown symptoms may be easier to recognize, because they last longer ...

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