MDMA, most commonly known as ecstasy is used worldwide for recreational purposes. MDMA is an acronym for Methylene-dioxy-methamphetamine. But most of the users that are consuming drugs don’t know exactly what they consume. And some of them think that MDMA is a natural antidepressant and thus this article concentrate on clearing their questions.
MDMA Facts
Some of the MDMA facts reveal that consumption of natural antidepressant makes the users feel relaxed and more sensitive and open to others and that’s why people think that it is a natural antidepressant. It also makes the sense of touch more high and sensitivity of listening music will also heightened and makes you dance till hours and also increased the capacity of other physiological activities.
MDMA Effects
The effects of MDMA last from 20 minutes to 4 hours and it depends on the amount of the drug usage, followed by MDMA comedown. In the starting, you feel like sleeping but when it starts to consume itself in body then the dizziness goes away and it will keep you awaked for hours. However there are some of the common effects of MDMA and that are loss of water in the body or dehydration and clenching of the jaw. And when the effects of MDMA lasts then you will feel less happy than before and it will cause depression that last for days.
Now a day’s, many of the other drugs are also being mixed up with the MDMA and that’s because those drugs are cheaper than the chemicals used in the MDMA and due to this MDMA fact, users can’t sleep for the whole day. MDMA affects the neurons in the mind that induces the flood of serotonin and dopamine. Serotonin and dopamine is that compound that controls the emotions of the body and these both compounds are neurotransmitters and a little inducement of these compounds affects your mood highly.
MDMA is mostly found on the street sides or in the clubs but it is used more in the underground clubs and on the basis of this MDMA information it is also known as club drug. The pure form of MDMA drug is in the form of brown powder but one never know that it is pure or it contains some other toxicants.
Some of the ways for MDMA comedown is whenever a user under the influence of MDMA then experts suggests drinking more amount of water helps them to comedown of the influence of MDMA comedown but it is also being reported that people had also died due to excess drinking of water. And it is suggested that whenever a people is doing any physical activity after taking MDMA then it must take long breaths otherwise it can cause death. After taking MDMA, no other alcoholic products must be consumed because it is also consider as extreme danger for the user because it damages the brain and also break down the muscles.
On the basis of the MDMA information the long term affects of MDMA cause depression and a permanent loss of memory and gradually death so it is considered as a highly addictive and dangerous form of drug.