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What Kind Of Ailments Does Depression Cause

It is undoubtedly a fact that a number of physical illnesses are accompanied by depression. Researchers have however been unable to resolve one major bottleneck, whether depression causes other illnesses or whether the depression is a result of such illnesses.

If you look around for depression natural mood booster information you’ll find that starting from heart problems to hypothyroidism there are a number of diseases that are associated with depression. Diseases like Parkinson’s disease, dementia and multiple sclerosis all are very similar to depression symptoms.

More about the diseases related to depression

Each of these cases are different. For instance, in the case of hypothyroidism, in many cases just treating the thyroid deficiency will be sufficient to get rid of depression. It is not necessary to go on depression medication for what are symptoms of bipolar disorder, or even to take any natural antidepressants in this case.

In the case of Parkinson’s disease its symptoms are so similar to depression symptoms that very often it goes unrecognized, far less treated. It is estimated that up to 40% of all people with Parkinson’s disease also suffer from depression. The classic depression symptoms of slurred speech, loss of memory, not able to concentrate etc are all symptoms of Parkinson’s disease too.

Symptoms from ailments caused by depression

In illnesses like dementia it is a little more difficult. No one has been able to say for certain whether the disease causes depression, or whether it is the other way round. The only thing that is certain is that people with dementia suffer from depression more than any other other group in the world.

In the case of vascular diseases too it is uncertain. All depression information say is that heart diseases is also accompanied by depression in many cases. There is one thing though, and that is that if you are taking natural antidepressants or some other depression medication such as lithium carbonate, there is a possibility that you could have developed heart disease due to the depression medication.

Other depression side effects

The biggest problem with depression is that it is a mental illness, and very little is recognize about it. Yet most doctors also agree that the mind exercises a powerful control over the body and it is possible that one could actually get a physical illness due to depression.

As of now there is no consensus opinion except that in a number of diseases and illnesses it is better to be tested by a psychiatrist too so that the possibility that there is depression too can be ruled out.

It is however not only hasty but downright dangerous to start on depression medication simply because depression information correlates a number of ailments with depression. Imagine if you have hypothyroidism, and start on depression medication and compound your problem with coronary valve disease because of the depression medication.

The advice given is that we need to be prudent, careful. In cases like Parkinson’s disease etc, because there is such a high incidence of depression too, we know that it is wise to test for depression, especially if it is a loved one who has the disease.

The bottom line is that as of now there is just not enough depression information to say either way whether depression causes other ailments or not.