Obesity and depression are linked with each other. This is the case of chicken and egg, which means sometimes obesity is responsible for depression; similarly depression can also lead to obesity. It is seen that the risk of obese person to develop depression symptoms and side effects tryptophan is increased by 55%, whereas, the risk of depressed person to develop obesity is 58%. The research has concluded that the risk of developing depression due to obesity is seen maximum in Americans.
How obesity and depression are linked
The relationship between depression and obesity is still not clear, but following are some points responsible to this link up: Obesity is a condition of swollen body beyond normal. This can result to low small esteem and dissatisfaction towards the body stature. This increases the risk of something like, can you get high off of rose hips. The body is highly inflamed in obesity which is not easily controlled. It requires tremendous effort to stay lean in case of obesity. Therefore the person develops the depression symptoms out of failure to achieve the desired result. The depression due to obesity may imbalance endocrine system which may lead to more weight.
Treating depression caused by obesity
The doctors treating the patient depression due to obesity do treat the patient for obesity and depression both. The depression medication helps to generation positive thinking which may help to fight the obesity. Doctors also prescribe some weight reducing medication and suggest joining gym to burn calories. There are useful articles available on depression information and its link up with obesity online. You must go through them. This will help you to understand the depression symptoms, correlation, and also help you to undergo treatment.
Natural antidepressants work for depression treatment
Natural antidepressants like herbal supplements, nutritional supplements, etc., are attracting more people due to there no side effects. Adopting natural cure along with holistic approach with meditation, good lifestyle, good food can give more benefits then medications. People have realized this and are turning towards the nature to cure their obesity and depression due to that. The natural antidepressants like herbal medications work similar to depression medication. They try to balance neurotransmitters in brain. Sometimes elevation of certain hormones also causes depression symptoms. Therefore there are certain herbs available which balance the level of hormones.
The natural antidepressants give good relief to depression and also help to control weight. You will get all the depression information and obesity treatment information from the doctor. You must start the natural treatment for both with the consult of the doctor. There are many other problems like pain in joint and muscle soreness due to overweight. This can also be a reason for depression.
Obesity is not your fault. It is a disease which has to be treated. Therefore, if you are suffering from obesity then you should get proper information on obesity and get proper depression medications for it. This will avoid the stage of depression with accurate depression information.
Along with the help of depression medications and natural remedies for obesity you can fight both and cure them. Obesity and depression are both curable problems. Therefore the family and friends both should make the patient aware of the situation and the complete possibility of its cure.