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Foods For Molly Comedown

When the effect of the drug itself wears off it will result in the user having a terrible hangover.  Most people relate hangovers with a long night of drinking and no one really seems to know that most all types of drugs can lead to a hangover. Molly is more famously known as ecstasy and has one of worst and longest lasting hangovers, usually referred to as molly comedown.   Molly comedown information has not completely made it clear whether it is normal to experience the molly comedown effect every time the drug is used.  Some molly comedown information has led people to believe that higher quality molly does not lead to any sort of molly comedown and it’s the low quality that has an adverse molly comedown effect.

Molly Comedown Effects

During molly comedown, people are extremely bored, sad, and depressed.  Anxiety levels are off the charts that lead to a number of other problems, such as muscle pain, irritability, trouble sleeping, headaches and fatigue. However, the real molly comedown effect hits the user when molly is used in very high quantities.  Overall, molly is only going to make you feel bad and pathetic after the effects wear off and molly comedown information tells us a possible molly comedown cure that can be found in a natural antidepressant.

Molly Comedown Cure

Food is not only considered the best natural antidepressant but also the best molly comedown cure.  Any type of herbal remedy is a great molly comedown cure and is one of the best natural antidepressant that you can take. The best thing for you to do on the day of the hangover is to eat a healthy and balanced meal and try to avoid oily and fatty foods, they will only make things worse.  Instead of trying to eat your way to recovery think about eating quality meals by adding all types of vegetables into your diet and cutting down on the fats and controlling the carbs.  This will help enhance the sugar level in your body that will reduce the headaches.  It is very important that you stay away from all sorts of junk food for at least a day.

Liquids For Molly Comedown

Liquid drinks, such as fresh fruit and vegetable juices, milk shakes, and smoothies are also very highly recommended by doctors as a molly comedown cure. These help increase energy levels and do away with the laziness and muscle pains all over your body.  One of the less known cures for molly comedown is the intake tea and hot drinks.  Tea is great to stimulate your brain and tea refers to either black or green.  It would be better if you stay from chai, the drink of many Asians, in which they add milk to black tea.  This might taste better but the effects are reduced. Green tea helps to reduce stress and depression; therefore, it is perfect for those on molly comedown.  Adding a little bit of lemon and honey to it will give it some added flavor.  Eating the right foods and staying away from the wrong ones is the best way to reduce the side effects of molly.