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Is Gotu Kola A Natural Mood Booster

Gotu kola or Centella asiatica herb as it is often called one of the widely used herbs in the ayurvedic medicinal system. This herb has been traditionally used as a nerve tonic for clarity in thinking and as a mind booster for the therapy of depression and anxiety and even sometimes for indigestion. According to the gotu kola information it is also used as mood booster. The name gotu kola is actually a Sanskrit term called brahmi and it means consciousness and wisdom. Gotu kola is commonly used in India similar to how tryptophan deficiency is used in China for vitality and longevity. Although the mane gotu kola is quite similar to cola nut, it however does not contain any caffeine. Moreover the herb is also used by individuals who want to avoid caffeine as part of their diet and as a mood booster while it also works as a natural antidepressant.

Gotu Kola Mood Supplement Info

Today, the gotu kola supplement is available is available in the form of an excellent combination which can be a great moot booster. Therefore rather than purchasing individual herb and nutrients separately you can actually buy this excellent combination to experience several health benefits. Gotu kola is also known to improve circulation while it causes alertness and also helps in relaxation. It might also have several is l-tryptophan available in tablet form antioxidant properties. The oral treatment of a methanol extract of gotu kola taken for 14 days can significantly increase the anti-oxidant enzymes.

Gotu Kola Information

Some other gotu kola information and studies have revealed that a number of plants with alleged anxiolytic activity bind to cholecystokinin receptors. However gotu kola herb has been used for several years in ayurvedic medicines to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression and is much like a natural antidepressant. However some of the recent studies in mice have shown that long term pretreatment using gotu kola can decrease locomotor activity while enhances elevated plus maze performance. It also attenuates acoustic startle response. However when used with humans, gotu kola side effects were not quite visible on self rated moods, blood pressure and heart rate. These preliminary studies advise that gotu kola has anxiolytic activity in humans which can be great as a mood booster.

Gotu Kola Positive Effects

Apart from this gotu kola also carries a long standing reputation as a brain enhancer and wound healer and it has gained recent following in the west among students who believe that it can improve their skill to retain information when preparing for exams. Moreover there are also not many gotu kola side effects when used in proper dosage. Although the herb has a long history of enhancing cognitive functions it has also received scarce scientific attention in this field. This perennial herb is valued for its balancing and purifying influence. Some ayurvedic practitioners would also recommend it to people who have difficulty in concentrating and have mood swings due to mental turbulence. The right combination of gotu kola and meditation practice can greatly reduce anxiety and depression while improving mental clarity and so it makes one of the best natural antidepressant.