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Molly No More Dangerous Than Horse Riding

Molly is the street name for describing the purest form of MDMA, which is the main component in ecstasy pills. MDMA acts directly on the neural system by releasing abundant quantities of serotonin in the neural synapses. Serotonin is a neural transmitter, which controls our emotions, sensory perceptions, and motor control. In simple words, this release of serotonin in the brain produces the euphoric trip (roll) and the energy boost associated with molly drug use or MDMA. Serotonin is a natural antidepressant and it is being used in new natural antidepressant medication.

Molly Use Effects

An article published in a medical journal written by Prof Nutt who is the chairman of the Home Office’s Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drug in UK,  claimed that “Molly dangers are no more dangerous than horse riding’’. Professor Nutt meant to say that molly dangers are statistically very similar to the dangers imposed by horse riding. Horse riding in UK causes around 10 deaths annually and close to 100 road traffic accidents. This number is comparable to the fatalities caused annually by MDMA related accidents. These fatalities have been rising in the recent years with rising Molly drug use dangers and users lacking molly danger information on its drug usage dangers. However, the fact of the matter is that these numbers are not significantly greater than those caused by any of the other dangerous activities; skydiving, base jumping, bungee jumping or motorcycling, that people indulge in and are perfectly acceptable in our society. Professor Nutt was trying to convey this point to the public that drug harm is not very different from the harms in other parts of life. This statement by Prof Nutt may seem ill judged because Molly drug use dangers are definitely more than those of other recreational activities are.

Molly Popularity

Molly is becoming increasing popular among teenagers and is growing in popularity. Molly is the powdered form of MDMA, which is considered more pure than e-pills. Technically an e-pill contains somewhere around 100-125 mg of MDMA and the similar quantity of molly should have the same strength but that is not usually the case. The reason behind that is the e-pills available in market are not pure MDMA; they often contain a mixture of MDMA+ Speed or MDMA+MDA. These impurities alter the roll or trip of the drug. However, what most of the drug users are not aware of is presence of impurities in molly as well.

Molly Impurities

Presence of these impurities significantly increases the molly drug use dangers. Molly dangers associated with the MDMA use include dehydration, depression, insomnia, loss of appetite, hyperthermia (body temperature imbalance), teeth grinding, urine retention, and sometimes hallucinations. The drug makes you parched and the users often drink a lot of water in fear of dehydration, which in some reported cases caused hypernatremia or water poisoning. In addition to these, it can cause addiction, which will not be the case with any of the recreational activities. Addiction and long term usage leads to temporary or permanent brain damage. So in conclusion using molly or MDMA is definitely more dangerous than riding a horse.

Where we have natural antidepressant, which help us curb molly drug use dangers, we should not ignore other molly dangers, which might be available to human life. In order to understand other dangers of ecstasy use, we need to research a lot. Today, the internet has helped us in many ways one of which is through providing individuals with Molly danger information. This molly danger information is easily accessible by anyone who has internet access. In addition, you can gain molly danger information by asking doctors who specialize in drugs.