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5HTP is basically a form of amino acid that forms after the conversion of tryptophan that ultimately gets transformed into serotonin. People suffering from depression tend to have lower level of serotonin in their body as it plays an integral role in controlling sleep patterns, weight and mood disorders gaba dangers. Any change in this chemical substance could lead to many health complications. Thus, those people who are suffering from depression prefer to use herbal supplements for depression and 5HTP being the most effective of all is a preferred choice of users.

MDMA Information

MDMA is a short name of 3-4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine that is considered one of the dangerous drugs available. The street name of the MDMA is Ecstasy due to its close association with the music culture. It badly affects the behavior of a chemical substance serotonin by boosting its level in the central nervous system of human body gaba pharmacology. MDMA mainly accomplishes this by changing the overall reuptake process of the neurotransmitter. Because of disturbed amount of serotonin in human brain, a feeling of euphoria arises that is mainly associated with the MDMA.

5 HTP Supplement Info

5 HTP plays an integral role in helping an individual getting rid of the induced depression caused by the MDMA. You would find many people using 5HTP as a major supplement for MDMA so they could enhance the overall experience of high feeling caused by MDMA. It is however always advised to use MDMA after taking 5HTP at least an hour before so it could increase its duration.


On the other hand, people who tend to use both 5HTP and MDMA at the exact same time would be performing “preloading”. However, they forget the fact that these changes could lead to many serious 5 HTP MDMA hangover. The ending results of taking both 5HTP and MDMA together are far worse than using MDMA alone. In case of taking higher doses of 5HTP along with the MDMA would force an individual not to get an effect of MDMA for more than 2 hours. Similarly, the 5HTP and MDMA hangover would make an individual to get both physically as well as mentally exhausted. In severe cases, it could also lead to depression and stress. On the other hand, rather than enhancing high, you would end up getting anxiety.

Where to find 5 HTP

So you are searching where to find 5 HTP? To find this highly essential herbal supplement is not a difficult task. It could easily be bought from any nearby fitness store, grocery store and pharmacy. However, you might be required to take proper prescription of your physician before purchasing it as FDA has not approved its usage to all the users.
5HTP itself does not offer any problems to the users but its dosage play an important role in its performance. The maximum dose for 5 HTP that an individual could take is 300mg but it varies significantly from an individual to individual. The dose of this herbal supplements for depression depends upon your medical condition, age, weight as well as any current medications you might be having.