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Author Archives: Karl Weber

How Does Gingko Biloba Work

As of now only a partial answer is available. This is because we know the active compounds in gingko biloba and there is enough gingko biloba information on what these compounds so in the body. It is only how exactly they work that is not known. The gingko biloba tree is one of the oldest in the world, and even live very long. There are some specimens that are more than a thousand years old and mood boosting fruits. It has also been long used to treat loss of memory in the elderly in Chinese medicine, although there is not much gingko biloba information on whether it is useful as a natural antidepressant or not. Gingko Biloba Information The most important active ingredients in gingko biloba are the ginkgo flavone glycosides and the terpene lactones. The ginkgo flavone glycosides make up the majority of the extract and are helpful in inhibiting blood platelet aggregation and also has anti-oxidant properties and how does salmon and mackerel help steady your mood. The terpene lactones make up only 6% of the extract but is what helps with increasing circulation to the brain and the central nervous system. Gingko Biloba Side Effects There are no known gingko biloba side effects except that if you are already on blood thinning medication like blood pressure pills etc, it may be a good idea to consult with your doctor before you take it as the combination of both may very well thin down the blood too much. ...

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When To Avoid Kava Kava

Kava is a plant that is indigenous to the pacific islands. The inhabitants there are accustomed to consuming the root of the plant that is commonly called Kava there. Most kava kava information says that it is a sort of drink that the people drink during ceremonies and other social functions.The amazing thing about kava, as per kava kava information is that it can relax a person without interfering with their cognitive functioning at all. In fact in a number of tests, consuming kava kava SAD actually increased the cognitive functioning of people who consumed them. Kava Kava Effects It does work as a natural antidepressant and tends to relax people in a social setting which is probably the reason why it is consumed in the first place. As to whether it will be a good enough antidote to depression is not known as not much research has gone into it, but one thing is for certain, it does work as a natural antidepressant and can SAD be cured. There are also not too many kava kava side effects to be worried about. Most of the bad press that kava has got is because of the greed of pharmaceutical companies to earn more money. Traditionally only the root is consumed, and the plant as such is discarded. This is because there are a few chemicals in the stem and leaves that may cause liver toxicity if taken in sufficient quantities. Kava Kava Side Effects In fact nobody who has consumed ...

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What To Do Before Using Kava Kava

Kava is a traditional drink that is prepared out of the roots of the Kava plant that is indegenous throughout the pacific islands. It has a unique taste, and most islanders take it as a sort of natural antidepressant that elevates their mood. The good thing about Kava is that although it functions like a natural antidepressant it does not work like alcohol which diminishes cognitive functioning. Kava kava information tells us that it  increases blood flow to the brain and the central nervous system keeping you awake and alert while at the same time relaxing you so that you can socialize better. Kava Kava Effects There are also no kava kava side effects that you have to worry about and also tricyclic antidepressants. Traditionally kava kava has been used by everyone as something that is ingested during social occasions to promote a happy environment. In modern times too, this is very useful in that many people tend to use kava kava ecstasy or kava kava MDMA when they party. There is no danger of you doing anything that you will regret at a later date, but you will still be fuzzy enough, and relaxed enough to enjoy yourself. When kava kava is prepared in the traditional manner, there is generally no kava kava side effects you need to worry about at all but what are the side effects of tricyclic antidepressants. It only works like a natural antidepressant without any kava kava side effects. Only when you consume alcohol ...

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Environmental Variables Related To The Onset Of Major Depression

There are a number of reasons why a person may get major depression symptoms starting from genetic factors to lifestyle reasons. Major depression is not fully understood even now and there are a number of triggers that have been identified for it. One belief is that when the levels of monoamines change it results in major depression SNRI Effects. This is borne out by the fact that most of the major depression medication that is given either directly or indirectly affect the monoamine levels in the body. Even some of the natural antidepressant pills are known to function in this way. Major Depression Information Another theory is that the volume of the hippocampal region of the brain is a cause. This region is known to be responsible for memory and mood, and MRI scans have revealed that most depressed people have a very low volume in their hippocampal regions and also can you take an ssri with an snri. This theory too could be true as most major depression information tells us that many of the major depression medication help with neurogenesis helping to increase the volume of the hippocampal region. Major Depression Factors Personality too plays a very important role in depression and one major factor has been found to be negative emotionality. For example major depression information shows how a person with low self esteem or one who has a low opinion of himself or one with a low self worth is more prone to major depression symptoms ...

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What Natural Supplements Give You A Peaceful Mood

There is no one who does not want to always be in a peaceful mood. Nobody wants to be irritable all the time and nobody wants to think that they should be on natural antidepressant pills just so that they are in a peaceful mood. In many cases the mood swings do not last very long, and a couple of days is about the most and social phobia common. Yet there are a number of cases when even this can be avoided and there is no need to take any herbal antidepressant pills for this. Peaceful Mood Information For example, peaceful mood information says that including more sea food products in our diet is sometimes more than enough to keep us in a peaceful mood and do snri’s restore someone’s balance. This is because fish oil is rich in omega 3 fatty acids and they are the ones that are responsible to repair and replace the neuroconnectors in the brain, something that no other natural antidepressant supplement can do, except maybe fish oil. Peaceful Mood Remedies Even milk is good for the same reason because they have a lot of the omega 3 fatty acids. Unfortunately with more than 80% of the adult population being lactose intolerant this is many times not possible. Yet whey is a very good alternative. Whey is rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that gets converted into serotonin in the brain. This serotonin has a big effect on our moods and a lower level of ...

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Phototherapy Lights For SAD

Phototherapy is the treatment of various ailments using light. Phototherapy is not a new thing and there is documentary proof that ancient doctors used this method in association with other medicines for the treatment of various illnesses like social phobia.  Sunlight is the best form of phototherapy, but nowadays since artificial light is available phototherapy in the form of artificial light is generally given. With advancements in science the exact color spectrum that is best suited for various illnesses is also being studied. SAD Medication As a SAD medication phototherapy is one of the best ways of removing SAD symptoms. In fact even though other forms of SAD medication and what is social anxiety, like natural antidepressant supplements have been found to be equally useful, it is still the first form of treatment that is specified. SAD information does not give us the exact reason why people get SAD symptoms. The only thing that most people are in agreement on is that most cases of SAD come up only in winter, and that too only in geographic areas where the winters are harsh and the amount of sunlight available every day is highly limited. SAD and Sunlight Even though this association between SAD and sunlight has been known for generations, even now we do not know exactly why this is so. Looking into SAD information we find that it is not the lack of Vitamin D that causes SAD, supplements of this vitamin do not seem to help. In fact ...

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What Are The Symptoms Of TCA's

TCA’s are one of the first antidepressant medications that were developed. In fact the discovery of its psychiatric effects were an accident. Once it was discovered however, a number of drugs were developed to take advantage of their antidepressant properties and kava kava dosage. This is because until then there weren’t any specific antidepressant medications that were available. Only now do we have a number of other options including natural antidepressants, but in the 1950s there weren’t any options. TCA Information Yet over time the use of TCA’s started going down and many doctors started preferring SSID’s to treat depression over TCA’s. This is because over time, more TCA information became available and their long term side effects were also studied better and important information I should know about kava kava. One of the biggest TCA effects is that they are toxic in larger doses. This is very dangerous because many people tend to take a larger dose when they feel the need for one. There are also a number of other side effects with TCAs that are not there with natural antidepressant supplements. Some of the unwanted TCA effects are dry mouth and nose, blurry vision, constipation, urinary retention, raised body temperature and memory problems. These are only the physical side effects of TCAs. TCAs are very good at giving you a serotonin boost, but then this facet also gives other TCA effects starting from drowsiness and apathy to sexual dysfunction, hypotention and irregular heart beats. TCA Effects TCA ...

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How Does Omega 3 Affect Fertility

Fat is something that most of us abhor nowadays. We want everything lean, and before we buy anything we want to know exactly how much fat there is in it. What many of us don’t seem to realize is that there are different kinds of fat and that some kinds are essential for us. For example, there are essential fatty acids that the body does not synthesize and which if we do not get in sufficient quantities can cause a decrease in neurological functions. These are Omega 3 fatty acids peaceful mood and lately there has been Omega 3 information that a deficiency of Omega 3 ecstasy in the body has been linked to neurological disorders like schizophrenia. In fact Omega 3 ecstasy has been found to be as effective as any natural antidepressant supplement in preventing the onset of certain neurological disorders. Omega 3 Effects Recently it was also found that this Omega 3 MDMA is also very good for fertility, both male and female. Other Omega 3 information show that the Omega 3 ecstasy in the diet increased sperm motility thereby increasing fertility of the male and will st. john’s wort cause weight gain. In women it has been found that the imbalance of eicosanoids can result in a lowering of the fertility. This can be treated very easily by just increasing the amount of Omega 3 MDMA in the diet. Recent research has found that there are amazing Omega 3 side effects. Women who regularly include fish in ...

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Can Omega 3 Delay Ejaculation

Fatty acids are essential for the body. Even the ones that you think you don’t need are essential and if you don’t get enough your body will suffer. Omega 3 fatty acids are special in that not only are they very important, they are found in very low quantities in our natural diet. Unless therefore you are eating healthy you will not be able to get enough. Omega 3 is important because there are a number of Omega 3 gotu kola side effects that are beneficial to be body that we did not know about before. For example Omega 3 ecstasy acts like a natural antidepressant and ensures that people who are prone to depressive attacks or are in the initial stages of mood disorders are stabilized. Omega 3 Supplement Info Nobody knows exactly how omega 3 MDMA does this, omega 3 information on tests conducted on schizophrenia patients have proved that they have increased the brain volume and that recovery is much faster too.Tests conducted on rats show that not only this, omega 3 ecstasy is good at improving the efficiency of natural antidepressant medication too. Omega 3 information are there any dangers in gotu kola medication shows that rats with omega 3 deficiency are more prone to depression like symptoms than those that aren’t and once this deficiency is rectified they become normal. Omega 3 Effects Not only as natural antidepressant supplements, but omega 3 MDMA has also proved to be good at improving fertility in both men and ...

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Will Licorice Cause Weight Gain

When people start showing signs of depression, sometimes they are aware of it. Sometimes, the people who are around them are aware of it and try it do something about it. The first thing that most people do is try to help themselves the natural way. Exercise, social networking as well as including natural antidepressant foods in their diet become common practice. Licorice gotu kola dosage is one such naturally available antidepressant that is used widely to treat mild to moderate cases of depression. Licorice Supplement Info According to the licorice information available, Licorice is used as an natural antidepressant because it contains a substance which will reduce the levels of stress hormones released in the brain. Thereby it reduces anxiety as well as depression and important information I should know about gotu kola. Which is why it is one of the most popular home remedies for depression available today. However it is important not to confuse licorice ecstasy with licorice as they are not the same products. Overdose of ecstasy can be potentially lethal and extremely dangerous. While people do take licorice ecstasy to treat depression, it is not clear whether or not this drug actually contains licorice or some other substance which simply smells like licorice. Which is why self medication can be a bad thing as some drugs which suggest or imply that they have licorice in them such as licorice MDMA may actually not. So, check licorice information available as well as check with your doctor before ...

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