XTC or ecstasy affects the human brain through activity increase of the three neurotransmitter or the cells of the brain’s chemical messengers. These three are namely: norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin. Upon taking these drugs, this causes the neurotransmitter to release from its storage neuron sites that results to the increase of the neurotransmitter activity. XTC is also used as a natural anti depressant. XTC causes higher release of serotonin and the lesser release of dopamine that is compared to methamphetamine, the very active stimulant. Serotonin Serotonin plays an important role in the regulations of sleep, emotion, mood, appetite, pain and other different common behaviors. The excessive serotonin release through XTC facts is more likely due to the elevation of mood effects that the XTC users recently experienced. The large amount of serotonin release can contribute negative effects in behavior that users experience frequently right after taking XTC for few days. XTC info states that it can also cause the brain to turn out to be exhausted due to the large release of serotonin. XTC Effects There are innumerable studies and XTC info has demonstrated through animals that XTC can severely damage serotonin that contains neurons. Few of the different studies are both contains long lasting effects. Therefore, these studies of such damage can naturally occur in humans. However, the measurement of serotonin damage is much difficult more likely in humans. The heavy ecstasy users are more experiencing long term depression, confusion and selective impairment of the processes of attention and ...
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Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Powder High
Methylenedioxymethamphetamine powder is the form of MDMA that is not as often sold on the streets as ecstasy pills. However, experienced drug users say that pure ecstasy powder is the way to get high, because it can cause a cleaner high with an easier to bear comedown. A bit of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine powder information that some want to know is if the duration of the high is influenced by the form of the drug. This is not an easy to answer question, since it can depend on a wider variety of factors, and not only if you take Methylenedioxymethamphetamine powder instead of a pressed pill. Metabolism Each person has a different metabolism, and chances may appear in how Methylenedioxymethamphetamine powder effects are experienced by different individuals. However, taking powder instead of pills can shorten the duration of the coming up and getting high. As soon as the drug reaches the brain, the reserve of existing natural antidepressant is released and the pleasant sensations start to appear. However, the duration of the high can also be influenced by the user’s metabolism. The serotonin and the drug will eventually be flushed away by the body. Still, there is Methylenedioxymethamphetamine powder information pointing out that taking pure MDMA causes the high to last a little longer, since there are no other substances to cut short the experience or cause any unwanted effects. Purity Maybe the most important fact is the purity of the Methylenedioxymethamphetamine powder you buy. If the powder is mixed with other ...
Read More »Anti-Oxidants Protect Against Club Drugs Hangover
It is believed that club drugs hangover episodes are strongly linked to what happens in the nervous cells once the high caused by the hallucinogenic substances expires. Based on an intense sensation of feeling happy, caused by elevated levels of serotonin in the brain, a drug abuse high is very dangerous for brain cells. Since serotonin is the most important natural antidepressant human beings have at their disposal, once the existing reserve is consumed by drugs, intense sensations of depression and being physically ill start to appear. These are nothing but club drugs hangover effects, but the reality is even tougher. What happens in the brain cells is one of the issues that most club drugs hangover information may overlook. These cells are exposed to oxidation, the process that causes us to age, and, eventually, die. If these cells age and die, the brain will certainly suffer. The oxidation of the cells specialized in making natural antidepressant can lead to long term consequences, which is why club drugs abuse is strongly advised against. Taking antioxidants can be part of a club drugs hangover cure, but it is also an important piece of advice for protecting your brain. What Happens In Each Nervous Cell Feeling high due to drug consumption can be very pleasant. The intense sensations experienced during the high are tributary to a single neurotransmitter, called serotonin, or the ‘happiness hormone’. During club drugs hangover, the sensations are exactly the opposite: you will feel depressed, your body will ache ...
Read More »Impure XTC
The XTC is a medication which provides emotional warmth to people who are trouble with stress and all such symptoms. But do you know the hazardous it is to consume XTC continuously? Do you know about the XTC Effects? The XTC is a drug which is famous worldwide less because of its relieving properties but more because of the XTC Effects. Therefore even it gives great relief; you should always have updated XTC information as it is always said by doctors that precaution is better than cure. XTC Effects The main function of the XTC drug is to enhance the level of serotonin. It is one of the most important components in the human body which has its effects over all the body parts. It controls the aggression, the emotional behavior and the body temperature too. But the XTC information suggests that XTC drug causes a lot of damage to the brain as well as the serotonin level in the brain. The main part in the brain, the neurons is harmed by the XTC usage. These components are essential for the production of serotonin and therefore we can say that the serotonin is harmed in anyway. The experts who are related to the brain always talk about the XTC effects. The brain images of the person consuming the XTC are different and can be seen as more damaged as compared to other people who don’t use it. But, have you ever wondered why XTC effects which are developed to be ...
Read More »Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Hangover Cure
It is well known that ecstasy can make a person feel like on top of the world for several hours, only to make them descend in the pits of hell the next day. The morning after experience is called a Methylenedioxymethamphetamine hangover and it can be quite a nasty experience to deal with. Users often seek for the perfect Methylenedioxymethamphetamine hangover cure, but, most often, the answer is right in front of their eyes. If you are among those preoccupied about discovering how to counter-attack Methylenedioxymethamphetamine hangover effects, than the following information may be of help. Eat and sleep This is the best recommendation one can get in order to get rid of the consequences of a wild night. When the brain is high on ecstasy, it consumes all the natural antidepressant it has at its disposal, and, when left without it, it has to deal with depression and other Methylenedioxymethamphetamine hangover effects. It can take the brain quite some time to make a new reserve of natural antidepressant, which is why going through a Methylenedioxymethamphetamine hangover can be such a painful experience, from a physical and an emotional point of view. The Methylenedioxymethamphetamine hangover information given by more experienced users points out that eating a healthy meal and getting some rest, even sleep, is the best solution to the sensations you are experiencing. Lots Of Vitamin C Another handy Methylenedioxymethamphetamine hangover cure is to load yourself with lots of vitamin C. You can have it before doing drugs, you ...
Read More »Club Drugs No More Dangerous Than Horse Riding
There is no similarity between taking club drugs and horse riding. As a matter of fact, they are quite the contrasting occupations. Horse riding is meant for good health and exhilaration, whereas club drugs are meant for bad health and depression. If you are considering taking club drugs, then you should definitely make it a point to be aware of the club drugs use dangers by gathering sufficient useful club drugs danger information from the internet. That is because only when you are aware of the different club drugs use dangers, you can take an informed decision regarding them. This article presents you with some very useful information regarding club drugs use dangers so that you know all the aspects of club drugs abuse. Club drugs are not recreational like horse riding, they have a fatal overdose and you should be aware of the various aspects of club drugs abuse. Club Drugs Effects First, the perils of combining alcohol with the club drugs. Since alcohol is so common at clubs, people often make the mistake of combining alcohol with club drugs. This is quite a harmful practice as the combined effects of alcohol and other club drugs can be quite debilitating for the user. Alcohol simply does not go with club drugs and it creates an impression that you can take more drugs. This is a very dangerous practice as club drugs overdose can even lead to death. The best way to avoid taking club drugs with alcohol is not ...
Read More »XTC for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
XTC has always been an unusual drug of abuse. If you will search XTC information through internet you will find various useful articles on XTC effects, side effects etc. it is well known that this drug increases levels of natural antidepressant in brain. It is also well known that XTC high is very complicated. Lots of research has been done to find out its use in treating various psychological diseases including PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). XTC Effects A person may experience an amphetamine kick and euphoria. However, as XTC causes the brain to increase level of natural antidepressant serotonin and oxytocin are heavily implicated in emotion. XTC information is available over the internet in abundance. It is essential to understand what it is and how it works. Common name for this drug is MDMA or 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine. There are reports of PTSD patients who were treated with MDMA and their conditions had not been lessened by any standard combination of natural antidepressant and psychotherapy. It is seen that XTC is safe to be used for treating PTSD when administered in controlled settings. It can show good results when used in conjunction with psychotherapy for dealing with PTSD. You will find lots of information regarding XTC effects over the internet and through books. PTSD Information PTSD is a serious mental-health problem. Various treatment methods are used for dealing with PTSD. The basis for using XTC in PTSD treatment is that this drug has capability to reduce immediate anxieties. This allows the XTC ...
Read More »Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Effect On Organs
Methylenedioxymethamphetamine use is often associated with health problems, although MDMA is not as damaging as other drugs. Still, it must be noted that people that already suffer from health conditions can place themselves in real danger if they take the drug, lured by the promise of the pleasant effects of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine. The way the excess of natural antidepressant acts on their brains and bodies can be a cause for making their conditions worse, and they can even jeopardize their life. How Is The Heart Influenced By Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Use Effects of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine include increase pulse rate and heart beat. While healthy individuals may not be put at risk by these manifestations of the drug, those that already have a previous condition may have a lot to suffer. The heart is the first to react to the changes; it is true that it is not the actual increased level of natural antidepressant that causes the risk, but the intense exercising that people under the influence of the drug are subjecting themselves to. Also, for them, the effects of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine comedown can be worse, because the sensation of exhaustion is more intense. Modifications In Brain Chemistry In the case of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine use, brain chemistry is severely modified. The natural antidepressant that runs freely through the synapses is manipulated by the drug, and there is nothing that the nervous cells can do to reverse the process. When this excess is finally eliminated, the effects of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine comedown occur. However, going through a hangover is ...
Read More »Addicted to Club Drugs
Club Drugs are one of the most spread drugs on the market these days. They are very dangerous, and not only due to their chemical compositions. One of the biggest worries is that even though the person who sales them is telling that it is Ecstasy, it may be a different product such as methadone, which can produce an instant addiction. Regarding Club Drugs Addiction, the things are different from one drug to another. For example, in pure form, Ecstasy should offer just a psychological addiction and not a physical one. However, if it is combining with other components, you do not know what results it may have. Think twice when you want to use drugs. Club Drugs Addiction Information Having more Club Drugs Addiction Information, it will protect you from unwanted results when you take drugs in the same time with helping you to decide if you really want them or not. Depending on the health and the physical of every person, becoming addicted to Club Drugs can be a faster or longer process. Club Drugs Addiction Effects One of the main Club Drugs Addiction Effects is that you are not going to have fun in a club if you are not going to take a drug. As soon as you feel these things, you will be certain that some things are going on with you. You will feel bad and you will start to enter in some serious depressions. In case of this thing, the right medicine for ...
Read More »XTC Neurotoxicity
XTC is presently the most chosen drug by youngsters aging 18 to 25 years. It is widely used to college schools and night clubs. Because of the immense appalling side effects that it gives, it is important that teenagers must be acquainted by this. One of the effects that might be encountered when using XTC is the so called XTC Neurotoxicity. But before discussing the effect, it is better to know the basic XTC info. XTC Facts XTC is also called as MDMA or Methylenedioxymethamphetamine. It is a synthetic and psychoactive drug that is chemically the same to methamphetamine stimulant and hallucinogen mescaline. The drug is a prohibited drug that functions as psychedelic and stimulant that produces energizing effect and distortions. Although it has been utilized as a natural antidepressant. It as well offers over joy and excitement from perceptible experiences. The system part that is chiefly affected when using XTC is the brain. It affects the brain neurons that employ chemical serotonin in order to correspond with other kinds of neuron. Serotonin system has essential role in controlling the mood, sexual activity, aggression, sensitivity to soreness and sleep. XTC Facts And Neurotoxicity Overview According to some studies, there are so many risks that are associated with XTC use. But, the most dangerous effect is the enduring brain damage that a person can obtain. There are lots of studies conducted to animals that show XTC facts produces long lasting effect in the brain by decreasing its function, which involves neurotransmitter ...
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