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Author Archives: Karl Weber

Molly Increase In Popularity

If you are considering molly then it is important to understand the molly popularity facts. Being aware of the molly popularity information can help you take an informed decision regarding molly use. In order to understand molly popularity facts, you have to look at the history of molly and how the drug gained in popularity. These molly popularity facts are interesting to know and they also make the drug look less fearsome. In fact, molly is one of the least addictive drugs out there and it was first introduced as a psychedelic medicine to break the barriers of mind in psychoanalytic treatment. Famous American psychoanalyst Alexander Shulgin’s experiments with ecstasy can be cited as a main reason for the rise in popularity of molly. Shulgin’s experiments with molly actually earned him the name of father of ecstasy although this drug was discovered way back in 1912. Molly Popularity Information Shulgin’s work was the main reason why molly increased in popularity as people felt the drug was a recreational drug and one of the least addictive drugs at that. The rave party scenario accepted the drugs as a wildfire, and people began to use ecstasy or molly frequently without prohibition.  Shulgin was reportedly the first human to try the drug personally on himself and seeing Shulgin alive even after using the drug inspired many to try the drugs for the first time. The trance like atmosphere at the rave parties, the music, the lighting and the artificial fog created a different ...

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Vinpocetine MDMA Comedown Cure

It is very common to use Vinpocetine as a memory booster. It can boost your memory and you will feel changes in your life by remembering different things which you were not used to before taking this medication. In many parts of the world people are well aware of the benefits of this supplement but in the United States, it is not a common medication. Even doctors are not well aware of this supplement. Vinpocetine causes the brain to use oxygen in a better way. For the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, depression, problems of memory, Vertigo symptoms etc; it is very useful. In order to take benefits of this medication try to use a lower dosage in the beginning. Many people take higher dosage in the beginning which is harmful for your health. It is better to ask your Physician about the dosage. MDMA Information MDMA is an artificial drug. People usually take it orally in the form of tablet or capsule to enhance their energy levels. In the beginning, MDMA was most popular among night clubbers who wanted to enhance their energy levels in order to dance for a longer period but the scenario has changed now. The function of this MDMA is to affect those neurons in the brain that are responsible to use serotonin for communicating to other neurons. The function of serotonin is to enhance aggression, mood, sleep etc. MDMA also affects nor epinephrine which is responsible for enhancing the blood pressure and heart rate. MDMA ...

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Kava Kava Ecstasy Hangover

A tall shrub, found in South Pacific Islands, mainly from the pepper family is called kava. It is also called “Kava Kava”. It is derived from Latin word “Piper methysticum”. People also know this tall shrub by many other names mainly, “Kawa”, “Sakau”, “Yagona” and “Kew”.  The root of “Kava Kava” is used as a Kava Kava Ecstasy as it is being chewed. People mix MDMA drug with Kava Kava leaves and this Kava Kava MDMA is used as liquid refreshment in ceremonial parties. People consume this Kava Kava Ecstasy as liquor to bail them out of sleeplessness, restlessness and uneasiness. Kava Kava Information A botanical name “Intoxicating Pepper” was set by an explorer Captain James Cook, who first uncovered Kava Kava. Over 3000 years, for therapeutic property it is being used as a Natural Antidepressant for soothing, muscle relaxant, diuretic and unhappiness. According to survey, 11 studies were been conducted upon 645 people in 2003. Kava Kava is an effective cure as an ecstasy hangover because it acts as an effective symptomatic treatment for uneasiness caused in the body. Teas, Yogi Teas are being used as herbal tea and can be used as a Natural Antidepressant for the treatment of Kava hangover. Although Kava Kava Information is not clear yet, researchers are conducting many researches on kava to study how it works. But Kava Kava Side Effects can easily affect the nerves cells called “Neurotransmitters” which take facts from nerve cells to other cells. Kava Kava Side Effects Potential ...

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Cyclothymic Disorder Relief

Cyclothymic disorder (also known as Cyclothymia) is as a mild mood disorder where patients suffer mood swings between brief episodes of mild depression and an elevated mood (also called hypomania). The high and low mood swings typically do not result in the severity of mania or major depression.  Cyclothymia is an illness which is pretty much like “bipolar”; but people who suffer from this illness are known to have much milder symptoms than those with advanced case of bipolar disorder. How Does Cyclothymic Disorder Affect People Cyclothymia affects both men and women, and according to statistics about 0.4 – 1 percent of people in the United States suffer from Cyclothymic. Also knowing the unipolar depression definition helps. The symptoms of Cyclothymia typically start in adolescence or during early adulthood. It is usually quite difficult to identify the onset of this disorder. In Cyclothymia the sufferer’s mood swing from hypomania to depression and fluctuates again. According to experts, the pattern of this disorder in most patients is typically irregular and not predictable. Depression and hypomania can last for a couple of days, weeks or even months! In between the episodes of mood swings, the sufferer may experience Normal moods for over a month or the mood swings may cycle incessantly, with no experience of “normal” mood in between. In comparison to much more severe mood disorders, the Cyclothymia symptoms are pretty mild. The depressive symptoms of this mood disorder never results in major depression. The sufferer’s elevated moods never result in ...

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Unipolar Depression

Unipolar depression (also called Unipolar disorder or Major depression) is a condition that is characterized by serious and debilitating depressive period of Major Depression or Clinical Depression. Unlike Bipolar depression, where patients suffer cycles of low (depressive) and high (manic) symptoms, patients with Unipolar disorder only suffer the depressive end of the spectrum. There is big difference between an individual who is going through a pretty rough patch and feels unhappy and a person who has been diagnosed with clinical depression and the sadness effects on your mind. The latter is typically unaffected by a joyous moment. This simply means that they never experience uplift in their mood in respond to other people and events that they are surrounded by.  A person who is suffering from Unipolar depression most times remain indifferent and cold. One of the worse things about this mood disorder is that it affects the sufferer’s social, professional and personal life; as the patient no longer gets enjoyment from the things that they typically love to take part in and they may also become pretty withdrawn and feel overwhelmed. If Unipolar depression becomes severe and goes untreated, it could actually lead to suicide, job loss and lost relationships. The cause of this disorder is not completely understood; however they may vary and can be caused by any of the following: • Disruption in neurochemicals and neural circuits in the brain • Secondary disorders such as social anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder or panic disorder ...

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Parachuting E Pills

Lives of a large number of kids are being affected due to the intake of the ecstasy drug. People parachute E PILLS which is known by many different names and this particular drug can be certainly termed as a killer drug for sure. It has no specific benefits on the body and hence it is not needed by the body specifically. E PILLS information indicates that taking this drug is considered illegal. Once this drug is parachuted or ingested the person attains a hyper feeling and feel like dancing. E Pills Information This is especially one of the reasons why people parachute E PILLS and this drug is commonly taken by party goers and those going to the clubs so that they can dance with energy as well as excitement. E PILLS basically come in the form of a pill. The scientific name for the ecstasy drug is methylenedioxy-methamphetamine. Instead of saying such a long name which can be quite difficult to say, the MDMA term is used for this drug. Besides MDMA, other kinds of drugs may also be included in the ecstasy pill. In some cases when people parachute E PILLS the drugs may prove to be even more dangerous as compared to ecstasy as well so you need to be a bit careful at the time of intake. In the year 1985, the drug was termed as illegal. Many of the dance clubs where this natural antidepressant drug was popularly used have closed down. Policemen have been ...

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No Effect From Molly The First Time

No, it is not normal to have no effect after having molly for the first time. Either you have not taken molly or you are completely mistaken about the molly drug effects that you are not feeling anything. The truth might be as well the fact that you are only thinking that you are not feeling anything, but actually you are quite feeling the molly drug effects. Drugs often play tricks with the brain and this might be just one trick that molly has pulled up on you. Given the chemical nature of molly it is quite unnatural not to feel any effect at all. This article presents you with molly drug information about the chemical nature of molly and the chemistry of molly inside the brain. The purpose of providing such  molly drug information is to clarify the effects of molly inside the body so that you can know what is happening in your body under molly drug effects. Molly Effects Molly or mdma generally acts in the body by increasing the secretion of serotonin in the brain synapse junctions. Serotonin is a naturally occurring neurotransmitter inside the brain that is responsible for all our feelings and perception. Since molly heightens this serotonin secretion by a neurochemical process we get to feel more about the reality surrounding us. Serotonin is naturally present in the synaptic junctions of our brain neurons as it is released whenever there is a transmission of vital signal from one nerve cell to another. Also ...

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MDMA Powder Comedown

Since last 20 years, the MDMA powder is being used by most of the adults and adolescents in pubs, night clubs and raves. But according to MDMA powder information chart, year by year it has been noticed that the quality of MDMA is getting worse. MDMA is commonly known as ecstasy and is basically a 3, 4 methylenedioxymethylamphetamine, which serves the purpose of a natural antidepressant. In more simple terms, MDMA is used for relieving stress, anxiety and jealousy and for enhancing intimacy for others. This natural antidepressant also helps you raise your sensuality. Initially in US, this drug was also called X or XTC. MDMA Powder Effects Belonging to a family of drugs known as phenethylamines, MDMA powder is closely related to another phenethylamine, MDA (3, 4-methylenedioxyamphetamine), and mescaline. However, this is a bit misleading but many times MDMA is also described as a hallucinogenic stimulant. However, there hardly exists any report stating that MDMA powder effects include causing the sort of hallucinations to users. At the same time, it is acceptable to note that the drug sold as ecstasy is not always MDMA; for producing such tablets or pills, many times, several other chemicals are used and a new cocktail is produced. This mixture offers instant relief to the user, but not for longer periods. Also these might cause hazardous MDMA powder effects to the users. Ecstasy has been claimed for ruling over the nervous system of one’s body and therefore when it is not composed of actual ...

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Natural Mood Disorder Remedies

Are you noticing some unusual changes in your mood but pacifying your mind with the thought that that’s a part of your character? Have many people already commented on your gloominess and sad behavior? It often happens that we don’t realize symptoms of many problems related to our mental health and moods. Unless we feel a physical pain, effects of sadness on your mind, we don’t really pay much attention to what changes are taking place in us. However, mood changes can extremely affect you and the mood disorder can even result in many of your daily routines and activities. So should you take mood changes seriously or just ignore them? Should You Pay Attention To Mood Disorders Yes you should. Even the smallest things can affect your mood but that’s what you don’t want. An easy example is when you can’t find the key to your car or the door and you get extremely angry. Some people feel irritated the whole day after such a small incident in the morning. Sometimes people feel sad and depressed for years and only an expert is able to realize that there’s something wrong with the person and that sadness is not a part of him. It is a blessing that now we have enough natural mood disorder remedies in the market available in affordable prices. You can order these herbal supplements to treat a panic attack or a mood disorder online and have them shipped right at your doorstep. We don’t have ...

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Treating A Panic Attack

Only the people who have had a panic attack know the agony it puts them in. It is true that most of the people don’t have very long lasting attacks but some people do. Your attack could be over and gone in 10 minutes but for some people it could remain for a couple of hours as well. The intensity of the attack however may vary during the entire period of attack. The starting could be gradual or abrupt but within 5 to 10 minutes the person reaches the peak of his emotions and responsiveness to the attack. Different people try to deal with the attack in different ways like natural panic attack relief but most try to escape the situation or place that triggered it. Treatment By Avoiding The Reasons One of the ways of treating panic attack is by not going to place that cause you to panic. For example, a person could get panicked if he’s been put in a very congested or closed structure. If the room is too small for him to feel comfortable, he might feel extremely vulnerable and fears will haunt his mind. This is called the fear of being in closed places and the name given to this condition is claustrophobia. However, this is not a very effective way for everyone because if your fear is of going into crowded places, no one would recommend avoiding crowds forever. Traffic jams, parties, wedding parties and college or school functions cannot be avoided just ...

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