Post-traumatic stress disorder has been around for a number of decades. Such kind of stress is a result of witnessing a horrifying event or series of events that end up overloading the mind to such an extent that it takes years for an individual to drain all the unwanted memories and come back to a normal life. Symptoms associated with post-traumatic stress disorder are not very easy to identify like in a melancholia test. In most of the cases, these symptoms tend to be with the individual for a long time before he/she even notices them. Unfortunately, by the time the symptoms are classified, they reach high intensity and hence the process of treatment takes that much longer.
Common Causes Of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
The causes of post-traumatic stress disorder can be many. The different causes of post-traumatic stress disorder are a big subject of study. Following are the incidences that could lead an individual into such a complication.
• War
• Combat
• Imprisonment
• Accidents
• Assault
• Rape
• Physical/Mental Harassment
• Industrial accidents
• Murder
• Personal Injury
These events are usually negative in nature. It depends entirely on an individual to react to such events. While some individuals tend to take incidents into their stride and move on, others may not show the same kind of courage.
People More Prone To Suffering From Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
People who have been a part of difficult circumstances are usually prone to Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. According to a study, a number of soldiers experienced this disorder after World War II. This was mainly due to some of the worst scenes that they witnessed during the war. Many saw their own friends and fellow soldiers die horrifying deaths. Many soldiers also suffered from physical injuries that stayed with them for the rest of their lives.
More often than not, soldiers, marines, firemen etc do not experience stress immediately after the event. Post-traumatic stress disorder catches up with them gradually. It is after a certain amount of years that these individuals start witnessing their horrifying moments all over again.
On the other hand, there are individuals who show immediate reaction to an incident. These are the people who either breakdown instantly or go in a state of shock. This can be witnessed more often in case of road accidents, rapes and murders. These are some of the most common causes of post-traumatic stress disorder.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Natural Remedies
Dealing with stress is not easy. More often than not, stress is linked with the behavior of the suffering individual. Hence, it makes sense to use natural remedies in order to get rid of this disorder. There are a few post-traumatic stress disorder relief vitamins that work very well. For instance – a good body massage is an excellent way to provide relief to an individual. Study states that by putting ideal pressure on certain body points, stress can be thrown out from the system successfully. A number of people make use of herbal supplements as well. Herbal supplements are very effective as post-traumatic stress disorder natural remedies.