E PILLS information MDMA which is known as ecstasy natural antidepressant is a kind of drug that has hallucinogenic and stimulant effects on the body. It is scientifically better known as 3, 4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine and is commonly found in synthetic ecstasy which is a club drug. Most people take this drug in oral form; in the form of tablets however it has been found that this drug is also used anally by some of the ecstasy users for E Pill effects.
E Pills Effects In General
This kind of anal use is termed as shafting or plugging. People are known in even parachuting E PILLS. This procedure is done by first placing the tablet in a napkin first after which it is crushed and then along with the napkin it is swallowed and is done to speed up the process of the onset of the drug. E PILLS are also widely available in the form of a powder which is contained often in gel tabs. It may not be injected but it is certainly smoked occasionally and even snorted many a times. Many different kinds of pills are available in the market these days which is known to contain different kind of drugs as well as per E PILLS information.
Parachuting E Pills
Some of the drugs pills are sold in the market as ecstasy as per E PILLS information and are used as parachuting E PILLS while many of the drugs may not even contain the MDMA drug which indicates that these pills are sold in adulterated form in the market. Different kinds of other club drugs like DXM, MDA, PCP as well as PMA may be used as adulterants in the E PILLS. A large number of pills are also cut with over the counter medications, ephedrine, caffeine, pseudoephedrine and even ephedrine. The kind of content present in the natural antidepressant can be identified by the color or the logo of the pill.
However it must be noted as per E PILLS information that just the logo as well as color is not enough to indicate the kind of ingredients present in the ecstasy pill available in the market. The tablets may be added with a dye which is otherwise used in coloring food items, by some of the manufacturers. MDMA has both short term as well as long term effects on the user. After about twenty to forty minutes later on parachuting E PILLS, the person may experience nausea and exhilaration.
Peak Effects of Parachuting E Pills
After an hour and a half, on parachuting E PILLS peak effects of the drug are experienced. E Pill effects of E PILLS can last up to six hours even till the next two days as well. This is due to the fact that serotonin is lost from the body heavily and great strain caused on the body by the drug. Euphoria, muscle tension, heat exhaustion, hallucinations, extreme relaxation is some of the effects of short term caused by ecstasy natural antidepressant. Paranoia, depression, sleep problems, confusion, severe anxiety and death at times are E Pill effects.