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How Does Omega 3 Work

Omega-3 has been acclaimed all over the world for its exceedingly valuable qualities and human body’s requirement for this essential oil. Nutritionists, doctors and health researchers have been carrying out studies and acknowledging publically the fact that our every day diets and the inclination towards becoming skinny, what are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and lean have mistakenly led the public at large to reduce all fats and oils from their daily diets. Now again fortunately, the differentiation is being written about, stating that there are ‘good’ fats and ‘bad’ fats and that the good fats, such as Omega-3, are a requirement of our daily diet.

Omega 3 Information

Omega-3 information shows that it is an essential fatty acid that is unique in nature and is extracted from a variety of fish. There are two chief chemical components in Omega-3, which are EPA, Eicosapentaenoic acid and DHA, Docosahexaenoic acid.  Another Omega-3 compound present in plants and seeds is in the shape of alpha-linolenic acid, or ALA. Though ALA converts to the more important EPA and DHA in our bodies under a series of chemical reactions, anxiety disorder, nevertheless the conversion is inadequate, occurring approximately at the rate of less than five percent in adult human beings.

Information about Omega-3 reveals that after digestion, it is readily absorbed by the tissue and is embedded in the protective membrane of the cells. They possess astonishing anti-inflammatory properties and help reducing inflammation in our viscera. However, research also indicates that there are side effects associated with excessive use of Omega-3 supplements.

Omega 3 Effects

EPA, a type of Omega-3 fatty acid, facilitates the workings of brain and neurological system- the system that includes nerves. EPA augments the electrical functions and communications involving all the systems in body, and upon which human body depends in order to work correctly.

DHA, one of the three Omega-3 fatty acids, helps to construct the brain structurally, which is why it is an imperative nutrient for the proper development of the brain during the growth of a body. Both EPA and DHA are noteworthy compounds for a person who is taking psychiatric medications, as synthetic medication washes these compounds out of the body. Side effects of omega-3 are that they cause the normal effortlessly flowing electrical impulses from one nerve ending to the next to hop in all directions, causing ‘fogginess’, cantankerous attitude, anxiety and many other symptoms.

There is no alternative for things present in nature. Instead of synthetic pills, if naturally anti depressants are used, they have better outcome and leave no side effects behind. Food supplements made from fish oil have abundant amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are most effective natural anti depressants. Various studies suggest that intake of 1 gram refined EPA supplements as a natural anti depressant daily works wonders for mood disorder.

The Omega-3 fatty acids from fish also prevents chronic diseases  such as coronary heart disease and also some forms of cancer. They tend to block the development of atherosclerosis and interfere with the unusual clotting of the blood, which leads to coronary thrombosis. American Heart Association Guidelines emphatically suggest that to gain cardiovascular benefits of Omega-3 EPA, such as decreased risk of Arrhythmias and thrombosis, adults should consume fish at least twice a week, and patients with coronary heart disease must intake 1 gram in total of EPA and DHA on daily basis. Caution should be exercised since high dosage of Omega-3 supplements causes side effects such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, indigestion and nausea. Omega-3 information shows that they are also efficient in opposition to particular immunological diseases, hypertension and hyperlipidemic conditions.