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How Long Does It Take to Fully Heal From E Pills

The chemical name for E Pills is MDMA (3, 4 Methylene-Dioxymethyl Amphetamine). The MDMA or E PILLs (Ecstasy Pill) belong to family of drugs. Ecstasy is classified as a stimulant and synthetic type of drug made with different chemicals in the laboratory. It is has hallucinogenic and amphetamine-like properties. The main or key ingredient of Ecstasy is MDMA chemical extracted from essential oil of sassafras tree. Ecstasy or MDMA is classified as ‘Schedule 1’ drug controlled substance along with different narcotics like cocaine, LSD, and heroin.

E Pills Addiction

Ecstasy is an addictive drug. It is commonly used by adults and youths at raves, clubs and parties. Many people consume them at parties, raves, clubs, etc for mood enhancement and to keep on dancing. E PILLS or E PILLS Powder or E crystal, are the forms of Ecstasy. Ecstasy is an addicted drug. The addiction of Ecstasy is always serious. The person who is the regular user of E PILLS or E Powder suffers from server psychological and physiological disorders. The ecstasy increase brain levels of natural antidepressant serotonin. This leads to several brain related problems. Let us have in-brief E PILLS Information.

E Pills Information

Ecstasy is a powerful stimulant. Ecstasy is a powder full mood changer. The Ecstasy speeds up the body system. It enhances the mood, decreases fear, increases the feelings of closeness and sex, increases the self confidence, etc. These effects are short term and after 4 hours the person starts feeling nervous, depressed, sad, decreased pleasure from sex, decreased interest in sex, decrease in self confidence, fear, etc. These effects can last long for several days. To overcome such E PILLS Effects the person again takes the next dosage of E PILLS and this leads to addiction towards Ecstasy.

E PILLS Addiction Effects directly on brain. MDMA has negative effect on Neuro-chemical systems like neropinephrine, natural antidepressant serotonin, dopamine, etc. E Pills addiction leads to unusual psychoactive and physical effects.  Hypertension, hyponatermia, hyperthermia, congenital cardiac conditions, Cardiomyopathy, viral myocarditis, high blood pressure, fast heart beating, liver problem, kidney failure, sleep disturbance, reduced pumping effects to the heart, muscle breakdowns, loss of memory, brain hemorrhage, coma, etc negative effects are caused with addiction towards Ecstasy. Very often the death occurs with heavy addiction towards this drug.

E Pills Addiction Treatment

Get recovered from E PILLS Addiction! Several methods are available for to recover from Ecstasy addiction. Different drug addiction treatment options are available to treat the Ecstasy dependence. Avoiding the source, Abstinence, Rehabilitation, etc are the ways available for recovering the patient from E PILLS Addiction.

Rehabilitation is 12-step treatment program. It is a long term successful process where the patient is rehabilitated. Various therapies such as behavioral therapy, therapeutic body treatments, fitness therapy, healing art therapy, healing addictions and transforming lives, etc are combined in this program. The program is focused on finding the root cause of addiction. The patient is focused for developing interpersonal skills, coaching sober living skills, and learning relapse prevention techniques. Rehabilitating program goes for 14 days to 90 days. This is the most successful way to heal from E PILLS.