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Severe Depression

We all feel sad or low sometimes. Generally these feelings go away in a while or if the symptoms causing the moods disappear. A constant state of mood fluctuations and feeling sad and disinterested in life is a sign of severe depression and drugs. Wits severe depression there is more difficulty to eat, sleep and get pleasure from activities you like doing. Severe depression signs in some people are obvious while other don’t show it out because they are themselves not sure why they are so unhappy and unable to sleep.

Severe Depression in Women

Women, especially between the age group of 40 to 59 are twice likely to develop depression than men. Mood changes can occur with the onset pregnancy, postpartum depression, and hormonal imbalances. We can brand postpartum depression as having severe depression effects, which may harm the baby and mother. Hence it needs immediate medical attention. Many mothers who have just delivered are anxious, have low self-esteem, feel they are not capable of caring for a baby, thinks of suicide, etc. With support from the psychotherapist, severe depression treatment can be meted out to the mother. The families support is also crucial where the spouse can pitch in a few hours to take care of the baby, while the new mother can spend some time exercising, or doing yoga and meditation or even meeting her friends.


Some women go through severe depression in perimenopause stage. That is the period just before menopause. This is a stage when there are fluctuations in the hormone levels. Sometimes hysterectomy can also influence depression because of hormonal imbalance.

Lifestyle and Culture

Depression can also be due by life style and culture. Financial constraints cause severe depression in women and a panic disorder medication can be useful here. They are stressed about the future. Women who work hard at home and have to cope with office jobs too show severe depression signs. Some women who are in an abusive marriage also develop severe depression. This could have also be abuse caused when they were children by a family member such as sexual overtures, which they may have been afraid of talking about as children,

Treating Depression

Depression by itself is overwhelming, but treatment is necessary. Persons with severe depression signs should immediately consult a mental health doctor. They normally evaluate the symptoms and prescribe a course of therapy for severe depression treatment. Some of the big mental health clinics have a team of experienced doctors and mental health care workers. Severe depression is not an illness that one should hide or feel ashamed about. It has to be dealt with on time.

Signs of Severe Depression

Often family members may not even show severe depression signs. They may mask the symptoms by being normal. Yet when close family members observe them it is not difficult to gauge that something is wrong. Severe depression treatment on time can save them, If you see any one in the family who gets easily irritated or angry, whose sleep pattern is different and who is locked in his own room like a recluse. It time to find out if he is suffering from severe depression effects. If so he must see a psychologist.