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Tag Archives: anti-oxidant effects

Anti-Oxidants Protect Against Club Drugs Hangover

It is believed that club drugs hangover episodes are strongly linked to what happens in the nervous cells once the high caused by the hallucinogenic substances expires. Based on an intense sensation of feeling happy, caused by elevated levels of serotonin in the brain, a drug abuse high is very dangerous for brain cells. Since serotonin is the most important natural antidepressant human beings have at their disposal, once the existing reserve is consumed by drugs, intense sensations of depression and being physically ill start to appear. These are nothing but club drugs hangover effects, but the reality is even tougher. What happens in the brain cells is one of the issues that most club drugs hangover information may overlook. These cells are exposed to oxidation, the process that causes us to age, and, eventually, die. If these cells age and die, the brain will certainly suffer. The oxidation of the cells specialized in making natural antidepressant can lead to long term consequences, which is why club drugs abuse is strongly advised against. Taking antioxidants can be part of a club drugs hangover cure, but it is also an important piece of advice for protecting your brain. What Happens In Each Nervous Cell Feeling high due to drug consumption can be very pleasant. The intense sensations experienced during the high are tributary to a single neurotransmitter, called serotonin, or the ‘happiness hormone’. During club drugs hangover, the sensations are exactly the opposite: you will feel depressed, your body will ache ...

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