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Tag Archives: boyfriend and depression

Boyfriend and Depression

Studies on female psychology have proved that females are twice as likely as men to face depression in a relationship. The reason may be because females tend to put importance and priority to interpersonal relationships when compared to men. Having stated that, it can be easily presumed that a boyfriend and depression come as a package. The severity of depression caused may differ from in different relationships, but it definitely exists. Something like a clinical depression test won’t be able to answer this depression question for you. The reason why the female counterparts are more invested in a relationship can be attributed to the biological, social or psychological factors accompanying the female anatomy. Females, from a very tender age are subconsciously ascribed the role of a nurturer or primary care-giver. Regardless of the changes in the lifestyles and role of the modern woman, females around the globe designate themselves as the caretaker of a relationship. They have a tendency to blame themselves when a relationship appears to be dwindling, even though they may not be the ones causing it, thus triggering anxiety and depression but can be treated with something like fish oil. Research reveals that women in abusive relationships abstain from blaming their partners for a ruthless nature, and justify the abuse by conferring that had they lived up to the expectations of the partner, he would not have abused her. Thus, vain actions on the part of the female counterpart or girlfriend eventually lead to depression. Causes Of ...

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