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Tag Archives: depression gender differences

Intelligent Women And Depression

Just go online and you will find a ton of depression information which says that women are more likely than men to get depressed. Each author gives a rehashed version of the same thing, and that is that mostly it is because of gender inequality that women get depression symptoms more than men and to prevent dysthymic disorder. Nowadays even though this is not as big an issue as it was earlier, many people still feel that women are discriminated against. From not being rewarded sufficiently for their work to income inequality and sexual abuse, women suffer more than men which is what causes more depression among women. Depression Information There is also other depression information which say that as many men suffer from depression as do women. It is just that men are not expected to talk about it and therefore not as many cases come up before the psychiatrist and also why is an accurate postpartum depression so difficult. Whatever the case may be, the generally accepted rule is that women are more prone to getting depression than are men. Recent studies have however showed that there is a certain kind of woman who is more prone to depression than others. For example most intelligent or smart women would be the last group on the list when it comes to having depression symptoms. Yet the reverse is the truth. Many intelligent women feel that they are not being rewarded even though their men peers who are not as ...

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Why Is Depression More Common In Women Than In Men

There are two ways to answer this question. One way is to assume that this question is true and that depression is indeed more common in women than men. Based on this assumption, there are a number of reasons why women can have depression symptoms more than men. For instance, depression information tells us that women tend to get depression symptoms during their teens or their early 20’s. Until age 11 there is absolutely no difference in percentage between the genders. Many psychiatrists feel that this could be because girls reach maturity at that age, and the stress caused by thinking about their appearance could be one factor. For young girls appearance is something that is always on their minds. Gender Differences With Depression Another reason is that statistically women suffer more abuse than men seasonal affective disorder. Young girls have a greater chance of suffering sexual abuse which could be another reason for many more of them suffering from depression symptoms. If you delve deeper into depression information you will find that there could be other more physiological reasons too. For instance women react differently to stress than men do, and because of their nature to absorb it, this puts them under a lot of stress, many times more even than men. Natural antidepressant pills may not even help in this regard, and even going on depression medication will not help. Women And Depression Many women have to manage their home and work at the same time increasing their ...

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