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Tag Archives: ecstasy information

Why is Ecstasy Illegal

Ecstasy is no joke these days. It is a synthetic chemical that can be derived from an essential oil of the sassafras tree.  Ecstasy is also called as MDMA by scientists. It is also one of the easiest illegal drugs to obtain. Its effects are similar to other harmful drugs like cocaine, heroin, etc.  It has become very popular at social events like raves, hip hop parties, concerts, etc. frequented by both adults and youth.  In 1914, the ecstasy was developed as an appetite suppressant and was used as a psychotherapeutic tool.  Doctors and physicians were used MDMA to treat the mental health problems. Today, ecstasy fact is that it becomes illegal because it was used in wrong way by people. Ecstasy Information The controlled substance of MDMA produce anxiety disorder, highly toxic to the liver, become habit forming, and kills brain cells. Since it is very harmful for our body, the government has banned the use of ecstasy and declared that possessing, distributing, buying or selling of ecstasy is illegal. It produce a great rush and very euphoric when taken with empty stomach. Later it can produce many problems in your body. So it is better to have complete ecstasy information and stay away from all side effects. These days, ecstasy is available in the form of pills, capsules and tablets. Ecstasy Use Ecstasy is usually taken in pill form and consumed through mouth and it can also be injected.  Some users even crush the pills and snort the ...

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Where Does Ecstasy Come From

Ecstasy is a powerful drug that provides hallucinogenic effects. This drug also has the scientific name MethylenedioxyMethamphetamine or MDMA. Ecstasy is a psychoactive drug that can act as a stimulant as well as a mood changer. The drug changes the perception of the person about the world as well as increases the speed of the body system. MDMA brings chemical changes in the brain especially when it releases serotonin at an increased level. Serotonin plays a major role in balancing the mood, appetite and energy level of an individual. Ecstasy History This drug is made chemically by Seize Ecstasy Cargo Clandestine laboratories functioning all over Western Europe, mainly in Belgium and Netherlands. The drug is manufactured in the form of capsules, powder and tablets. In Europe, the drug is consumed domestically, but very few labs of MDMA are operating in United States. The drug was patented in the year 1913 and was used experimentally for psychotherapy in 1970s. The drug is normally used with other chemical drugs. The lab is making the drug in enormous quantities because of the increased demand of the drug in international and domestic markets. Ecstasy Effects The short-term adverse ecstasy effects are sweating, chills, nausea, hallucinations, tremors, clenching, blurred vision, muscle cramping and clenching and increased body temperature. Some other ecstasy effects are paranoia, depression and anxiety. Ecstasy effects caused by an overdose are seizures, panic attacks, faintness, high blood pressure, unconsciousness and drastic extreme body temperatures. Overdoses of this drug may become fatal because ...

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Ecstasy Dangerous To Fertility

Having the ability to conceive the fetus is definitely a gift from God. Ask people who are unable to enjoy this luxury of life that how they feel. Infertility can be anything from not being able to reproduce to facing some temporary difficulties in conceiving. Today a lot of research has been done on the causes underlying this problem. Although people consider drugs as not a cause of infertility, but through research we now know that steroids, alcohol, and tobacco does cause damages to the reproductive systems, which may ultimately lead to infertility. Even the prescribed medicines are used on the proper advice and prescription of the physicians as many times such medicines can affect the reproductive system of a person. Drugs on the other hand lower the sperm count in men, cause erectile dysfunction, and menstrual irregularities. Ecstasy Information When it comes to ecstacy, not much research has been done to check out the relation of ecstacy dangers on the fertility of a person. Due to the lack of a focused research on ecstacy dangers, physicians and doctors are not sure if it causes infertility. Many doctors are of the view that ecstasy use dangers might not directly cause infertility but the problems associated with it can collectively result in the fertility. Hence, this is probably one of the reasons why experts ask not to cross ecstasy with other chemicals and hard drinks. In addition, different people have different body chemistry so how a body would react to a ...

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Drugs of any sort are regarded as foreign agents that alter the metabolism and body functions of living organisms. Today, drugs are not only being used to cure illnesses but in fact, they are being used as pleasure agents. E, XTC, X, ADAM, Hug, Beans, Clarity or methylenedioxymethamphetamineare all the names of drug called Ecstacy. Drugs are generally thought to be chemical agents, which are taken by humans in order to reduce pain and anxiety. The chemicals released off by drugs come between two consecutive neurons and sort of hinder in the delivery of chemical message to the brain. Medics and doctors to give instant relief to the patient use this state of “Highness”. Like all other hallucinating agents, Ecstacy is given in an administered quantity to check for any reactions with the body. Ecstasy Usage Now the question you may come across frequently is what is ecstacy? Many teens who have used E or are regular users of the drug, consider ecstasy to be harmless and a pleasure drug only. However, the reality is completely different. Ecstacy effects with prolonged use can result in the neuron death and as a result, the person can develop long term or permanent illnesses. The alarming thing found through ecstacy information is that ecstacy is now considered a club drug and easily available in discos and clubs, the street price of this drug has come down to about $5-7. Getting drugs at such cheap rates makes it popular among the young users, whereas ...

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Ecstasy In Your System

The official name of the drug known as Ecstasy is methylenedioxymethylamphetamine or MDMA, and one of its most important effects is that it can stimulate the production of the natural antidepressant called serotonin in the user’s brain. Because a lot of Ecstasy information available online points out that this particular drug can be detected through regular urine tests for drugs, a question needs to be asked: how long does MDMA stay in a person’s system? Here are some answers about Ecstasy effects and the duration for which it can detected in the user’s body. What does Ecstasy do to the brain As it is often used as a recreational drug, Ecstasy has the property of raising the levels of serotonin in the brain. Other Ecstasy effects include increased heartbeat, enhanced body movement, and a general feeling of euphoria. However, the stimulation of natural antidepressant production in the body does not come without side effects, and prolonged use of this drug can lead to severe brain damage, along with addiction. The role of metabolism in processing Ecstasy As far as the duration for which the drug can be detected in blood or urine is concerned, standard Ecstasy information shows that metabolism can play a very important role. The time during which traces of the drug can still be identified by drug detection tests varies between a few hours and three to four days. It is believed that people that eat fatty foods and have a lower paced metabolism need more time ...

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Ecstasy Neurotoxicity

One of the most heated debates on Ecstasy facts is whether the well known drug can cause neurotoxicity or not. Although the drug is very appreciated for its capacity to make the brain release important quantities of serotonin, a natural antidepressant produced by the human body, as any drug, it can be very harmful for one’s health, according to Ecstasy information endorsed by health care specialists. Since the brain is the organ affected by Ecstasy, neurotoxicity is one issue of concern. What happens inside the brain when taking Ecstasy Releasing natural antidepressant is what the brain naturally does through its cells. However, when using Ecstasy, the process is altered. Reliable Ecstasy information shows that the smallest cells in the brains, which are the neurons, are perturbed in their activity by the intake of drug. The path of serotonin from one brain cell to another is naturally reversed by the brain in order to be reused; when taking Ecstasy, the path of the natural antidepressant is no longer reserved, which over-floods the brain with serotonin. No matter how good this may sound, Ecstasy comedown is very hard to bear and it is not very pleasant, either. Neurotoxicity and some Ecstasy facts Because it has such an impact on how neurotransmitters affect the production of serotonin in the brain, Ecstasy is not a drug to be taken lightly. Prolonged use, according to Ecstasy information provided by health care professionals, can lead to a decrease of the number of neurotransmitters. While some may ...

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Myths About Ecstasy

Ecstasy is a club drug used as psychotherapeutic drug and as a stimulant by many people. Ecstasy effects are harmful, even though this drug is one of the abused drugs. Ecstasy information is essential for the persons who are using the drug as it has harmful effects. The drug has a deceitful reputation that it is safe to use. The harmful ecstasy effects are medically proved, especially the studies related to neuron damages. Despite of the harmful ecstasy effects, large numbers of people are addicted to ecstasy. There are several myths associated with this drug. Some of the myths are as follows: Ecstasy drains out the fluid in the spinal cord This myth is a popular one, but has not been proved till date. This is due to the misunderstanding of researches based on the effects of the drug. Researchers studied on the serotonin levels in the brain while using MDMA. In both spinal fluid and brain, production of serotonin takes place. To know the serotonin level, they performed a procedure known as spinal tap and during this procedure the spinal fluid is drained. But originally, the spinal fluid is drained because of the procedure, not by the use of MDMA. Great amount of Ecstasy means greater high Most of the drug users believe that when greater amount of ecstasy is consumed, greater will be the high. The truth behind this myth is that after using a few dosages, ecstasy users will experience reduced intensity as the consumer usually becomes ...

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