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Tag Archives: stress triggers

Reasons for Stress

The reasons for stress and what is stress can be different for a person depending upon his age group and conditions. If stress reasons are divided into three broad categories then it would be as: -Stress at Workplace -Family problems and Domestic Stress -Academics and Stress of Students These reasons for stress are further elaborated as: Stress at Workplace The tasks, competition and deadlines at the workplace are the major reason for stress. Workplace environment can trigger stress in so many ways. Being over-burdened with the office tasks is the primary cause of stress, where the employee fails to cope up with the assignment. There could be many reasons for it including poor time management, procrastination and unrealistic deadlines. The situation of contemporary recession has made the employees’ job security cynical that ultimately leads to stress. The pressure of promotion and acquiring a better position among peers is yet another reason of stress. In order to increase one’s market value people tend to enroll in different courses to acquire a variety of skills and perform multitasking. Due to such stressful competition lives have become complicated than ever. Things can balance out if the co-workers show high moral values and do not trip their colleagues up but unfortunately, such work environment is a far away thought as contemporary, the blame culture, bullying, and lack of support network has become a norm in the work places causing stress and desperation. Usually attempts at a stress relief supplement are made at this point. ...

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