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Tryptophan is an essential amino acid found in many plants and animal which is necessary for the human body to help in the proper functioning of the central nervous system and the brain. It is not produced by the human body and needs to be supplemented externally through dietary intake. It is important for regulating moods, inducing proper sleep, relaxation etc. Tryptophan Benefits Tryptophan and 5htp anxiety benefits the human body in many ways. Firstly it helps in maintaining the level of the vitamin ‘niacin’ in the body. In cases of niacin deficiency, the liver converts approximately 3 % of tryptophan supplemented in the body to niacin, thus avoiding symptoms arising due to its deficiency such as diarrhea, dementia etc. The second and most important of tryptophan benefits includes its role in regulating the level of the neurotransmitter -serotonin in the brain which can be a sort of ocd treatment at its basic form. Serotonin is an important messenger in the central nervous system which helps in regulating moods, appetite and sleep. Low levels of serotonin in the central nervous system may lead to depression, mood-swings, restlessness or insomnia. Tryptophan helps in maintaining a healthy serotonergic system in the human body thus preventing bouts of negative moods and sleeplessness. The availability of this protein generating amino acid is also important for healthy growth and muscle development in infants as well as maintaining a healthy weight. Tryptophan Uses There are a multitude of tryptophan uses in the medicinal field. It is ...

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How Does Tryptophan Work

Before we go into how tryptophan works, let’s first look at exactly what tryptophan is. According to tryptophan information gotten from years of study, tryptophan (also referred to as L-tryptophan) is simply an important amino acid. Human beings must obtain this amino acid through dietary sources because the body is unable to produce it. Although tryptophan can be found in a lot of foods, there are dietary supplements available as well. Tryptophan supplements are used as a natural antidepressant in treating conditions like anxiety, how to overcome seasonal affective disorder, PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome), depression and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Top dietary sources of tryptophan include: -Beef -Chicken -Turkey -Tuna -Lamb -Cod -Soybeans -Halibut -Calf’s liver -Salmon -Shrimp -Scallops -Snapper There are other really great sources of tryptophan and they can be found in foods such as lima beans, brown rice, milk, tofu, kidney beans, green peas, onions, mustard greens, broccoli, pumpkin seeds, winter squash, kelp, tomatoes, cabbage, spinach, almonds, sesame seeds, eggs and walnuts. Tryptophan Information on How This Amino Works As mentioned earlier, tryptophan is an amino acid, needed in the body for building proteins. Tryptophan used as a natural antidepressant because the body uses it to produce serotonin, a neurotransmitter which actually has a vital role to play in anxiety and depression. The human body also uses mood disorders tryptophan to produce melatonin (a hormone) and niacin (a vitamin). In spite of tryptophan information you may get online, it is not presently banned by the FDA. In ...

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