Kava is a plant that is indigenous to the pacific islands. The inhabitants there are accustomed to consuming the root of the plant that is commonly called Kava there. Most kava kava information says that it is a sort of drink that the people drink during ceremonies and other social functions.The amazing thing about kava, as per kava kava information is that it can relax a person without interfering with their cognitive functioning at all. In fact in a number of tests, consuming kava kava SAD actually increased the cognitive functioning of people who consumed them.
Kava Kava Effects
It does work as a natural antidepressant and tends to relax people in a social setting which is probably the reason why it is consumed in the first place. As to whether it will be a good enough antidote to depression is not known as not much research has gone into it, but one thing is for certain, it does work as a natural antidepressant and can SAD be cured. There are also not too many kava kava side effects to be worried about. Most of the bad press that kava has got is because of the greed of pharmaceutical companies to earn more money. Traditionally only the root is consumed, and the plant as such is discarded. This is because there are a few chemicals in the stem and leaves that may cause liver toxicity if taken in sufficient quantities.
Kava Kava Side Effects
In fact nobody who has consumed kava prepared in the traditional way has showed any kava kava side effects at all. It has been theorized that the companies that manufactured the pills using the kava extract used not only the root, but also the stems and leaves. Also the pills were not made in the traditional water soluble method but with an ethanol or acetone extract from the plant which could very well have caused the problem. The fact that there are almost no kava kava side effects to talk about, and that it is not an alcoholic beverage makes it very safe to use. In fact quite unlike other natural antidepressant pills, it actually makes a person more aware, while at the same time relaxing them.
Kava Kava Supplement Info
This characteristic of kava kava will make it seem that as a kava kava MDMA or a kava kava ecstasy it would be very effective. For example a person who is not very socially very confident can take a couple of kava kava pills, and not have to rely on alcohol which is dangerous to health. It works like kava kava ecstasy making them relax, getting them to socialize, and making them more patient and gives them an ease of acceptance that is important in any socializing. It also gives a mild euphoria, nothing like kava kava ecstasy, but enough to make them very happy, while still keeping their mind clear enough so that they are aware of what they are doing all the time. It also gives a very restful sleep, so much so that the person awakes more refreshed than normal.
The only time when kava kava should be avoided is if you are mixing it with alcohol. Even though nothing has been proved, many people are of the opinion that the two do not mix well together. Some people may not find the “kick” that they need with kava kava and therefore take alcohol too, but prolonged use of alcohol with kava kava has been found to produce liver damage. Also as per kava kava information have been cases where people have puffy faces, and swollen fingers. Although none of this is serious, and that just discontinuing kava kava is generally more than sufficient to remove the symptoms, the risk is still there.
If therefore anyone wants to take it as a kava kava MDMA it would be advisable to keep in mind that consuming alcohol at the same time is not good. There have also been cases of scaly and itchy skin at the throat and other places over prolonged use of kava kava, but once again it is not known if this is caused due to a combination of kava kava and something else or not. If therefore you are the sort to use kava kava MDMA occasionally there is not much to worry about.