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Author Archives: Karl Weber

Supplements for Stress Relief

In the fast pace of the contemporary era, people demand everything to be handy. With ever-increasing competition and pressure in lives, it has become inevitable to avoid stress. For this reason, the awareness of using supplements of stress has raised. The role of supplements for stress management is quite vital and their mode of treatment on the human mind and body is natural. The herbal stress treatment programs strengthen the human body’s natural endurance towards stress. In other words, the herbal supplements for stress boost the physical, mental and emotional well-being of the person through its unique chemical reactions that it brings about in human body. Role of Adaptogens The herbal supplements for stress are termed as Adaptogens. Any herbal supplement that cures and alleviates stress contains Adaptogens in it. Adaptogen is the basic stress-relieving herb that builds up the natural immunity to every type of stress and stabilizes the mind and body. The supplements of stress containing Adaptogens are being extensively researched and studied. The most prominent types of Adaptogens are Ashwaghanda, Rhodiola and Ginseng. Ashwagandha Ashwagandha is India’s traditional herbal medicine. It is famous for its soothing effects on senses to lessen stress. In contrast to Ashwagandha, Rhodiola is more studied and researched. Rhodiola’s origin is Russia but it is used as an effective supplement of stress in European countries too with it’s powers in relieving anxiety with herbs. According to the recent studies regarding Rhodiola, it has been concluded that it alleviates fatigue, enhances mental performance and reduces ...

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What is Stress

Stress is any state that overwhelms a person, negatively or positively. Most of the times we consider stress as a negative feeling because commonly stressed is felt because of the things, situations and people that are unwanted or unfavorable for us. The compelling feeling that makes one do the undesired puts stress over him and he, unwillingly feels bounded by it. Stress is also used as a synonym for tension and any state of unhappiness and discontent. Contrary to this and the medical answer to “what is stress” is that and also anxiety effects on your mind, it is known to be a state of mind that is influenced by both external and internal factors. External situations can put a person under stress and that stress could be thrilling and positive too. Positive Stress People may ask that what is stress, which is termed as positive stress? The answer is very simple. In any situation, you must think that what type of effect is the situation is causing upon you. If it is exciting you and making you look forward to something, then it will be called as positive stress. Growing popularity about treating stress with herbs is very real as well. Suppose, there is going to be an event in your school, college, office or family and you are very excited about it. This excitement will keep you in a high spirit all the times, and one will feel energetic about discussing, preparing and imagining about that event. Putting ...

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Herbal Anxiety Relief

Anxiety is one of the most widespread problems in our society. It does not sound that threatening but in reality is far more serious than it seems. It is one those disorders that start reigning over your mind. With time, you start losing power over your mind and you are enslaved by this disturbing problem. Anxiety Information It is considered usual and natural for you to become nervous when you have to take your examinations, or when there is some interview or big presentation to give at college; but it is not normal at all when you let your nervousness reside in your mind even after that tensile situation has passed away. This condition of persistent tension and strain in categorized as anxiety. However, this problem has many solutions. It can be cured but it is very important for you to be resolute and strong willed. If you are motivated to make your anxiety disappear and work hard for it then you will certainly be successful in doing so. Ways to Battle Anxiety There are many anxiety natural remedies to treat this problem. One of the useful ones is to eat healthy foods that have natural stress remedies and anxiety combating characteristics. Foods that have B-complex vitamins can reduce anxiety. Foods like clams, fish, chicken, milk, cheese, yogurt, asparagus, breads, whole-wheat cereals, rice are full of B-complex vitamins. They can lessen your stress issues largely. In addition, when your stress gets relieved, anxiety starts diminishing too. Vitamin C works very ...

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Herbal Stress Treatment

If you are among those who often suffer from stress and experience insomnia, irritability and anxiety then do read along and discover some effectual stress natural remedies. These treatments use natural herbs and herbal supplements to reduce stress. Valerian Root One herbal stress treatment is to use Valerian root. This is a naturally occurring herb and is renowned for its stress alleviating properties for anxiety symptoms. You can find this herb at some good apothecary and take it in the form of Valerian tea or you can also find Valerian pills that have the same effect as that of the natural herb. Valerian pill is normally taken before sleeping at night and it should not be taken more than thrice a month. In addition, care should be taken that you do not take any other medicine for stress if you are on a Valerian medication. Successful results can be observed within 2-3 weeks. Your stress levels lower down and you sleep better too. However, before you start this medication, you need to check with your doctor for its side effects. More Herbs to Cure Stress Another herbal stress treatment involves the use of Passionflower. This herb was used readily in the past as natural remedies for stress. Studies have also shown that people who use passionflower experience much less stress than using the drug mexazolam. It is best not to use passionflower with some other medication as this might have side effects. If this treatment does not work for you, ...

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Anxiety Related Effects on Your Mind

Anxiety has become a part of routine life for most people. Most of us are living with an issue. Life is already not that easy and when anxiety strikes your door, your life becomes tougher than before. Anxiety is closely related to stress but these two are different from each other. Stress relief is being worried about something and feeling disturbed when results are contrary to what you expected them to be. However, anxiety is when you continuously stay nervous or apprehensive about something. This problem has disastrous effects on their mind and mood. Common Anxiety Effects One of the common and serious anxiety effects on the mind is the feeling of “depersonalization.” This is a very strange feeling. People who experience that feel that they have been segregated from their body; and are no longer in their body. They think that they are standing outside their body and observing it. This feeling comes as a sudden attack and can persist for quite some time. People undergoing this odd feeling continue to feel a stranger to their body. Anxiety and Alertness Other symptoms of anxiety and effects on the mind include staying alert all the time. It is natural to get alarmed when you sense some danger approaching towards yourself; but living in a state of terror even when there is no danger is an abnormal thing. People who have anxiety issues also find it hard to concentrate on any assignment or work they do. Whenever they try focusing on ...

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Natural Stress Remedies

Pressure at work or in studies, domestic problems, tensions in marital life, monetary problems- all can lead to stress and anxiety. Stress is a dilemma almost all of us deal with but it needs to be taken care of because a stressful life is never a happy life. There are several natural stress remedies and herbal supplements for stress and vitamins for anxiety relief that can make stress disappear from your life. Walk or Exercise to Reduce Stress One of the natural stress remedies is to talk about the reason behind your stress. Talk to a trusted friend or family member and find ways of solving your problem. Crying a little can help too; but an even better way is to smile and find reasons to laugh. This certainly helps in easing stress and it has proven to be pretty handy. Another stress alleviating remedy is to go for a nice, long walk in some serene park and spend some quality time with nature. Greenery freshens up your mind, soothes your ease and can make you forget your tensions. Jogging in the park can mitigate be good for relief for stress as well and has the same effect as walking. ‘Annals of Behavioral Medicine’ is a study that was published in 1999. It talks about students who walked had lower levels of stress as compared to the couch potatoes. Yoga- a combination of exercise, breathing and meditation can reduce stress levels significantly. You need to get in a habit of ...

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Anxiety Symptoms

Anxiety is a state of constantly being worried, anxious, and tensed for some particular reason. It is very difficult to explain the causes of anxiety precisely; anxiety may occur even in children due to so many reasons. It is the most common mental disorder among people. Each one of us has experienced anxiety after every short period due to certain what-so-ever reasons and stress related effects on your body. However, when these maladaptive behaviors become more intense that they will start disturbing your life then it becomes necessary enough to find out a good therapist who would help you to get out of this miserable and awful feeling. Interestingly enough, patients of anxiety are unable to describe what is actually wrong with them. If you are suffering from anxiety, you would have been unable to describe what’s going on with you. You might feel miserable, irritated, tensed and worried. Thus, anxiety is the unpleasant sense of apprehension and distress, disturbing your whole life. However, your cognitive behavior towards different situations reflects the intensity of anxiety that you might suffer from. Cognition is basically your own belief of perceiving the threatening situations. The less you feel the more will be the chances to lead a healthy life style. Therefore, it is very necessary to get out of your negative thoughts and fight against the pessimism. Because anxiety directly affects your thought processes converting them into negative ones and making you a pessimist. However, different mind therapies and anxiety relief meditations are ...

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Stress Relief

No one wants to be a part of constant problem rather most of us want to be part of the solution, and same is the case with the methods of stress relief about which, people are always genuinely interested. Stress is very over-rated, for the reason that we give ourselves the allowance to feel stressed and justify that with every bad thing happening in our lives. The bitter irony of the fact is that the stress is supposed to be a part of normal life and we have accepted that. What is needed now is to have those effective stress relief methods that could make the stressful lives easier. Meditation Medication for centuries has known to be a very good solution to cure stress. Yoga and meditation promote peace of mind, self-control, endurance and resilience and all these factors in turn help to alleviate and deal with stress in a better way. There are special breathing exercises that make the mind and body very peaceful. Particular yoga positions are meant to reduce stress and create a feeling of harmony and natural anxuety treatment. Meditation and yoga yield even more benefits when accompanied with a soothing massage routine. One must always take some time from the hectic routine and visit spa to get some massage to relax the nerves. Counseling Counseling can be of various types. One can see a doctor to seek counseling or in the either case communicate with some close friends and family. Expressing feelings and speaking the ...

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Are Club Drugs Popular Amongst Teens

Club drugs popularity is now spreading among younger and younger category of consumers. There are club drugs popularity facts that show that 8th graders are the youngest users of such hallucinogenic substances. It is clear that not only young adults, but also teenagers now get engaged in drug abuse, without being aware of the possible side effects of these substances on their health and on their brains. The way these drugs work is what makes them so popular. Serotonin is a natural antidepressant that our brain is capable of making, and the entire reserve is used when club drugs are abused. The pleasant sensations occurring as a result lead to club drugs popularity, and it is quite difficult to explain to teenagers why abusing these drugs is bad. The following club drugs popularity information will show you how widespread the consumption of drugs is among teenagers. Club Drugs Popularity Facts A study conducted by the National Institute on Drug Abuse in 2010 revealed a piece of club drugs popularity information that should be alarming enough for parents and communities. About 0.5% of 8th graders have used Rohipnol, along with 0.6% of 10th graders, and 1.5% of 12th graders. Rohipnol is not the only club drug abused by teenagers, according to this study on club drugs popularity. GHB – a drug also known as the ‘date-rape’ drug – has been abused by 0.6% of 8th graders, 0.6% of 10th graders and 1.4% of 12th graders. Also, among the club drugs popularity ...

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Vitamins for Anxiety Relief

Anxiety is probably one of the most common disorders among people today. Almost 4 out of 10 people either suffer from stress or the horrible anxiety. Anxiety is related to stress. Stress levels when continue to escalate and last for over days or week are known as anxiety. In addition, anxiety has lots of different kinds. Social Phobia, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, which is commonly known as OCD, are some of its most common types and mood disorder relief remedies. Patients of these types of anxiety find extremely difficulty in acting or doing things explicitly in public, as they fear being judged; suffer from trauma and strain even after an accident has passed away; and make a habit of doing a certain action frequently respectively. Vitamins C and B Make your Anxiety Go Away There are many reliefs available for anxiety. People practice many methods to solve their anxiety issues but one of the very effective techniques to push away this disorder is to take vitamins for anxiety. You can take vitamins for anxiety either in the form of vitamin supplements or in the form of foods that are great sources of vitamins that help keep anxiety away by way of treating anxiety naturally. Vitamin C, vitamin B-complex and inositol are anti-stress and anti-anxiety vitamins. Taking a generous dose of these vitamins regularly will assist you in lowering down your anxiety levels. B-complex vitamins or B-vitamins are vital for the smooth running of our nervous system. ...

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