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Author Archives: Karl Weber

Intelligent Women And Depression

Just go online and you will find a ton of depression information which says that women are more likely than men to get depressed. Each author gives a rehashed version of the same thing, and that is that mostly it is because of gender inequality that women get depression symptoms more than men and to prevent dysthymic disorder. Nowadays even though this is not as big an issue as it was earlier, many people still feel that women are discriminated against. From not being rewarded sufficiently for their work to income inequality and sexual abuse, women suffer more than men which is what causes more depression among women. Depression Information There is also other depression information which say that as many men suffer from depression as do women. It is just that men are not expected to talk about it and therefore not as many cases come up before the psychiatrist and also why is an accurate postpartum depression so difficult. Whatever the case may be, the generally accepted rule is that women are more prone to getting depression than are men. Recent studies have however showed that there is a certain kind of woman who is more prone to depression than others. For example most intelligent or smart women would be the last group on the list when it comes to having depression symptoms. Yet the reverse is the truth. Many intelligent women feel that they are not being rewarded even though their men peers who are not as ...

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Why Is Depression More Common In Women Than In Men

There are two ways to answer this question. One way is to assume that this question is true and that depression is indeed more common in women than men. Based on this assumption, there are a number of reasons why women can have depression symptoms more than men. For instance, depression information tells us that women tend to get depression symptoms during their teens or their early 20’s. Until age 11 there is absolutely no difference in percentage between the genders. Many psychiatrists feel that this could be because girls reach maturity at that age, and the stress caused by thinking about their appearance could be one factor. For young girls appearance is something that is always on their minds. Gender Differences With Depression Another reason is that statistically women suffer more abuse than men seasonal affective disorder. Young girls have a greater chance of suffering sexual abuse which could be another reason for many more of them suffering from depression symptoms. If you delve deeper into depression information you will find that there could be other more physiological reasons too. For instance women react differently to stress than men do, and because of their nature to absorb it, this puts them under a lot of stress, many times more even than men. Natural antidepressant pills may not even help in this regard, and even going on depression medication will not help. Women And Depression Many women have to manage their home and work at the same time increasing their ...

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Common Natural Relief For Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

Many women suffer from problem called PMS or Premenstrual Syndrome. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder information puts this percentage as 30% of all women. Generally women who suffer from PMS are irritable, angry, always keyed up and showing anxiety always. In fact they show all the classic Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder symptoms  and atypical depression remedies although they are not suffering from depression. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Information Many women suffer from PMS it is quite common, but out of these women there is a more severe case that causes so much of problems that it interferes with their life. This is called PMDD or Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder information suggests that PMDD affects between 6 and 8% of all women, and that their symptoms, especially Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder symptoms are so severe that is causes extreme mood swings, that not only affect work, but also damages relationships. The symptoms for PMDD are so similar to depression symptoms and what is atypical depression, it is easy to think that they are suffering from depression. Taking natural antidepressant pills or other Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder medication like Prozac, or Zoloft will help because they are Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors or SSRI’s. You can either take them the whole month or only during your period. Another easy way of controlling PMDD is to take birth control pills regularly. Birth control pills do not work like a Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder medication, nor are they stimulants like natural antidepressant medicines. They however work by preventing ovulation thus ...

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Herbal Remedy For Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder or PMDD has been studied for a number of years, but although it is very common in women and its symptoms are easily recognized, nobody yet knows what exactly triggers it. The consensus opinion on Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder information is that it is the hormonal fluctuations during menstruation that causes these Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder dysthymic disorder symptoms. It is believed that the mismatch in the levels of estrogen and progesterone, more specifically it is the increasing levels of estrogen and the corresponding decrease in the ratio of estrogen and progesterone that causes these Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder symptoms. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Treatment The simplest way to control Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder is to take birth control pills, natural antidepressant pills or other Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder medication. Although these medicines help to control the symptoms, they are not the recommended way to control PMDD and also how to know if you have dysthymic disorder. There are also herbal solutions that are different from natural antidepressant pills. For example the extract from the chasteberry not only reduces Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder symptoms, but also helps reduce breast tenderness. It does this by reducing excess estrogen from the body. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Information Evening primrose oil has long been used as a Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder medication, but in this particular case, works very well. In fact Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder information says that it is the most studied herbal solution for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. Also using progesterone cream has been found to be very beneficial ...

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Recommended Dose Of Damiana Leaf For Depression

This question is a little difficult to answer because the use of damiana leaf as a natural antidepressant has started only recently and there is not too much damiana leaf information in this regard. Traditionally the damiana leaf was used to make a tea and the infusion was drunk. This ensured that the effects of the damiana leaf bipolar disorder were mild at best. In its concentrated form, the extract was used with a combination of other herbs as an aphrodisiac, natural antidepressant, mood stabilizer, and also to reduce the blood sugar levels. Damiana Leaf Supplement Info It was not used specifically to treat depression, and although they are known to have a relaxing effect on the central nervous system, there is not much damiana leaf information you can find for their use as a natural antidepressant and what is the best tricyclic antidepressant. The general recommendation is that about 3 or 4 grams is used to make a tea and the infusion drunk. This is if you are going to use the damiana leaf as it is. Getting the leaf is not easy, and in many cases you will have to rely upon online retailers to get what you need. Since most of us have not even seen the damiana leaf before, the chances of us getting taken for a ride is very high. Damiana Leaf Effects If you are going to purchase the damiana leaf extract as a supplement, once again you are reliant mostly on online retailers. The ...

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Important Information I Should Know About Damiana Leaf

The damiana leaf has been used as a medicine for a number of years. Generally it was used as an aphrodisiac, not as a natural antidepressant, and there is not much damiana leaf information for it being used for any other purpose. Lately however with research into the properties of the damiana leaf and citrus fruits going on, it has been found that it has an effect on the mind, relaxing the person. It is therefore being considered as a medication to treat depression. Damiana Leaf Effects Although it is still too early to say that it is a natural antidepressant medicine, since it is a herbal product without too many damiana leaf side effects, there is no harm in using it as a supplement to relieve stress or even as a sort of natural antidepressant. Most damiana leaf information you find will tell you that it is a pretty safe herb and also do people with bipolar disorder lie compulsively. There are not too many damiana leaf side effects for you to worry about, but there are a couple of things that you need to keep in mind. For example the damiana leaf contains a chemical that is very close in molecular structure to cyanide. Because of this in large doses it can prove fatal to us. While getting such a large dose when taking it as a supplement is well nigh impossible, recently there have been instances where it has been used as a sort of damiana leaf MDMA ...

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Which Is Worse: The Scorpio Mood Swing Or The Cancer Cancer Mood Swing

It is a widely accepted, though not a proven fact that people born under different sun signs, exhibit different personality traits. Moodiness is one of the traits that some of the sun signs share. Scorpio and Cancer are known for their mood swings bipolar disorder diagnosis. So, lets find out a bit about Scorpio and Cancer and what kind of mood swing symptoms the two sun signs experience and other mood swing depression information. Cancer Sign Information Cancer is represented by the crab. People born under this sun sign are said to have tough exteriors and soft insides like the crab. People born between the 21st of June and the 23rd of July belong to the sun sign Cancer and also does cuttlefish boost your mood. Those born under this sign are known to be kind, sensitive, affectionate, emotional, moody and defensive Cancer Mood Swing Information Cancer is one of those sun signs who experience a lot of mood swing symptoms. Mood swing information on sun signs suggest that the reason for their mood swings is the inner conflict that they experience. This conflict is because of the difference in their outward outgoing selves and their inner sensitive ones. However, with very little cancer mood swing depression information available, it is not apparent as to the extent to which their moodiness will turn into serious depression. Most people under the sun sign cancer are outwardly ambitious and extroverted, however they are also very sensitive and introspective. So, naturally there exists ...

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Why Do Women Experience Mood Disorders Following Childbirth

Mood disorder following childbirth is very common among women. Up to 80% of all women who have given birth to a child feel some form of depression. This is generally called PPD or Postpartum depression and atypical depression. This is generally caused due to exhaustion and tiredness and generally goes away within a couple of days after childbirth. Sometimes the mood disorder symptoms can last longer and this is when it is defined as PPD. Mood Disorder Information There is not much mood disorder information on why this happens although there are a number of theories that have been put forward and also do people with atypical depression lie compulsively. For example women with unwanted pregnancies may be prone to showing mood disorder symptoms, as is the case with women who have marital problems. Also women who have a history of mood disorder in their family also seem to be more at risk. Things like smoking, formula feeding, stress, being a single parent, having a sickly child are all reasons for women to get PPD. With all this mood disorder information we still don’t know why exactly it affects certain women and not others. The prevalence of PPD is between 5% and 25% depending on where you get your data from. This in itself should be sufficient proof that mood disorder information relating to PPD is seriously lacking. There are also other factors that complicate this. For example a woman who has had a number of children in the past ...

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Can Serotonin Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors Be Combined With Benzodiazepines For Anxiety

Anxiety can be treated with a wide range of medication, however the first type of medication used is usually SNRI ( Serotonin Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor) or SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors). Serotonin Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor Information available suggest that the reason one of these two are used is because they are milder, people have more toleration for these drugs and they are effective. However a lot of people are becoming aware of the harmful side effects of antidepressants and feel that psychiatrists seem to be prescribing these potentially harmful drugs to even milder cases of depression food. Which is why a natural antidepressant is recommended over antidepressants that are chemical in nature. The newest treatment for anxiety combines SSRI or SNRI with Benzodiazepines. This seems to be effective in treating anxiety because Benzodiazepines work quickly, thereby reducing anxiety quicker. This is an effective combination as Benzodiazepine works quickly in the short run and Serotonin Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor Effects and seasonal affective disorder lightbox therapy are mild and can be used as a long term drug. Serotonin Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor Information  as well as learning about Benzodiazepines and its properties is important if you are going to be combining both these drugs. What Are Benzodiazepine Benzodiazepines is a drug which is commonly used in treating anxiety. It works by affecting the GABA receptors on the brain which in turn affect the Central Nervous System to slow down, causing the body to relax. The benefit of Benzodiazepines is that they works quickly, reduces ...

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How Does Gingko Biloba Affect Fertility

Gingko biloba is a very old tree, literally. There are a number of specimens in Asia that are said to be more than 1000 yrs old, and in all that time, they have been used as a medicine to treat various illnesses. Although it is not completely understood, what little gingko biloba information we have says that the extract from the leaves somehow increases blood flow to the peripheral and cerebral regions of the brain. How exactly this helps is also not known, except that all the gingko biloba information we have says that it does help. Gingko Biloba Supplement Info For instances a number of studies have showed that the extract is very good at improving memory retention. It has also caused an improvement in the eyesight for those suffering from glucoma. Not only that it has recently been studied with people who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease and it has proved to be as good as any other medication. Since it is herbal, there are also not too many gingko biloba side effects to worry about. Yet the one thing that you don’t find anywhere in gingko biloba information is whether they have any effect on fertility. Gingko Biloba And Depression Recently there have been reports of the extract being used as a natural antidepressant and sometimes like a gingko biloba ecstasy. Some people reason that because it has the effect of relaxing a person, it will be useful as a gingko biloba MDMA too. Whatever the case may ...

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